
Typing Week3 : My hobbies

   My hobbies are listening to music, clean my room, go shopping with friends or just myself and driving. My favorite foreign singer is Taylor Swift and I love her. My favorite song is "We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together". That is one of her songs. She writes down songs based on her romances and her pasts. So listening her song is to knowing about her romance, her thoughts and her pasts. Then my favorite Japanese singer is Back Number. One of my friends told this singer group and he lent me some of their album CDs. When I
100 words

BR3-01(6) : The Sun and the Wind

"See that man? Can you take his coat off?"

 This is a story about the competition of the Sun and the Wind. They competed to take a man's coat off with their ability. First, the Wind tried to take the man's coat off blowing a strong wind but the man wore his coat tightly and hid because he felt cold. And then the Sun's turn, the Sun shined and made the man warm. Then he got warm and went out from a cabin.

 83 words


Typing Week2 : Music I like

   My favorite singer is Taylor Swift. I have three CDs of her and I usually listen to her song when I am taking a bath. One of the most favorite song is "We are never ever ever getting back together". I just like to listen to her song but also I like that promotion video. Most her song expresses her pasts. She writes songs the source of the her romance and her pasts. So listening to her songs is to know parts of her pasts and her romance. I want to go to her concert and see her with my own eyes. 
102 words

Typing pre5 : The reason why I here, KGU

   I had taken an entrance exam for Kendai before I took it for KGU. My first choice that I want to entrance was Kendai and I would major in English there. But I failed that school and now I am here, KGU. When I knew that I failed my first choice, I was really disappointed at that result. It took me a lot of  time to accept that result. I cried and cried and cried. Once I thought that I should have gave up to go to that college but my homeroom teacher and the teachers who supported me encouraged me. Then I changed my choice to this college and now I have been having good time and enjoying being here. 

121  words

Typing pre1 : Spring vacation

  This spring vacation, I was planning to travel around Japan with my friends or just myself. But I didn't travel around Japan. What I did this spring vacation was just had to work. I got up at noon and had lunch then had to work then went back home. This spring vacation, my life style almost had changed because I had to work. That made me tired because I stayed up late almost every day then I didn't have three meals a day. Sometime when I didn't have to work, I went to my friend's house and played games and took a nap then went shopping. This was the first time for me as a college student and I was surprised at in which I didn't have assignments for any subjects.

131 words/3100 words

Typing pre4: My hobbies

   My hobby is listening to music, clean rooms and sleeping. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift. She is really beautiful and I like her voice and songs. Almost her songs are based on her experiences. She writes down her good and bad anything experience, and sing then tell her fans about her pasts by singing. One of my favorite songs is "We are never ever getting back together". I really like that because her feeling and her thoughts are completely expressed in that song with her strong voice. I have never ever gone her concert before but if I had chance to get there I would go anywhere.
 Second I like to clean my room because I want to keep my room clean and I hate messy room. I usually clean my room before I go to sleep and refresh my feeling. Now I live in a new house so I wipe my room once a week and keep floor clean.  
 Third I like to sleep. When I don't have anything to do, I take a nap and take a rest and make me refresh. But I sometimes take a nap even though I have to do homework because I'm tired of hard work.
204 words

Typing pre3 : My dream

   I'm going to tell you about my dream. I want to become an English teacher at junior high school and teach English to junior high school students. The reason why I want to teach English there is that was my turning point. I used to learn English at ECC junior because my mother made me learn English with no reason. So I could see no point to learn English and I didn't like learning English. It was when I was a seventh grade student that thing happened and changed my life. When the ALT and the English teacher were talking about something in English, I could understand what they were talking about a little. That made me happy and since then I like learning English. Of course I sometimes in trouble with English. There are so many words that I don't know yet, so many sentences that I haven't heard or listened to yet. But I don't care about that because that's common things for Japanese. We learn something from making mistakes, and we don't need to worry about making mistakes in speaking or in writing.

 186 words

Typing pre2 : My new house

   Last March on 15th, my family moved to a new house. We used to live in an apartment then moved to a  lent house then finally we have our own house. We were going to move to that  new house before New year comes but we couldn't move because at that time the house was still building. I was really looking forward to move to the new house because I finally got my own room. I used to share one room with my 3 younger brothers and I was tired of it because there were no privacy. Now I am so happy to have my own room. My room's color is orange because I like orange and that make me warm and feel calm. I'll put some plants in my room and put up my favorite singer's posters on the wall.

141 words/2579 words

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I want to watch this movie at theater in 3D because that is more exciting than watching in 2D. I didn't expected that this movie became much more famous and continued. Actually I have never ever seen this movie from series 1, but I want to rent this movie series at TSUTAYA and then watch those with my friends. I love western movies because those are more exciting and amazing that Japanese movies.

73 words /2438 words


BR2-03(5) : Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All

....He never knew that crackers could come from the sky.

This story is about Henry's parents, his big dog Mudge and his friends celebrate Henry's birthday with bright balloons, potato-snack races and presents. Henry's birthday is the first day of May. Henry was really looking for having his birthday party at his house. He tried to wake Mudge up but Mudge didn't. Then Henry said to Mudge, "birthday cake" and "Ice cream." Mudge opened his one eye and the other eye. That is one of the parts which I like. I thought Mudge really likes something to eat. What's more, Mudge never knew that crackers could come from the sky. He really likes eating.  Having a birthday party for someone's at a house might be really happy and delightful. I like the way of birthday party in America because they celebrate someone's birthday at their house and have really nice time with lot of people who know a person who are celebrated. Even if how much they are tired after having birthday party, that could be a good memories of all ever.

[ new words]

snore : いびきをかく
sticky : 粘着性の、ねばねばの
fix : 修理する、固定する、決める、用意する
taffy : おべっか、タフィー

238 words / 2365 words

BR2-02(4) : Henry and Mudge and Long Weekend

Mudge loved the basement. It had million of new smells. It had lots of places to hide. And some of his old dog toyss were down there. "Come on, Mudge!" Henry called. But Mudge was already on his way.

 The story of this book is Henry and Mudge build a glorious indoor castle with knights and kings. When the weather is not good and there is nothing to do outside, only Henry, Mudge and Henry’s father and mother can do is just stay at home. Mudge always know what to do if there is nothing interesting to eat, nothing interesting to smell, and nothing interesting to chew. He always goes to sleep. But there is one thing that wakes Mudge up is the basement. He loves basement because it has millions of new smells, lots of places to hide and some of his old dog toys are there. Henry’s mother suggested that make a castle. They downed in the basement, and they ran upstairs for a castle book, pencils, a stapler and a quick snack. Then they build a castle with those things except a quick snack. If there is nothing to do outside because of the heavy rain or the typhoon, what would you do? I would sleep all the time or do assignments or clean my room. But I wish I had basement at my home like foreign countries. If I had it, I would make places to play sports with friends so that no one could be boring of the weather.

[ new words]
muddy : 泥だらけの、濁った
yuck : おえっ(嫌悪、拒絶などを表す)
drool : よだれを垂らす、よだれがでる
grumble : ぶつぶつ文句を言う、不平を述べる
growl : うなる
flatten : 平らにする、ぺしゃんこにする
chew : 噛む
frown : まゆをひそめる
goodness : 善良さ、親切
turret : 小塔、タレット
drawbridge : はね橋、可動橋
buttress : 控え壁、バットレス
stapler : ホッチキス
fancy : 好み、空想、思いつき
admire : 感嘆する、感心する
thrill : ぞくぞくする感じ
lick : なめる

435 words/ 2127 words


Typing Week 1 : First classes and new school year

   First classes always makes nervous because I don't know how many my friends will take those classes and which classes are easy or difficult. What's more, I'm not sure which classes need to buy new textbooks. I don't want to spend much money to buying textbooks so I ask senior students to give me their old textbooks. This year, some senior students gave me a few books and that really helped me. I don't like new school year because I have to buy new textbooks and apply for new classes.
   What made me disappointed this year is there are no classes to study English grammar. I like learning English and I want to solve the English problems in classes. So I decide to study grammar by myself with my old English grammar textbooks. This year, I really looking forward to having Mr. Lavin's writing class. I know him because I have meet him before at Kendai for entrance interview test. So I'm not nervous. Of course, there are many things we have to do, but it is the chance to improve our any English  abilities. I will do my best on doing homework.

193 words / 1737 words



It was really interesting movie. I liked it. I want to borrow it at TUTAYA and watch it with my friends.  It might be fun to see with someone. I want to try to watch it in English because that is more funny and more interested than in Japanese. I didn' t understand exactly what they said in English though that movie made me happy. Is that movie a comedy?  And also I like that heroine but I don't remember her name.

82 words/1544 words

BR2-01(3) : Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble

He called them Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Henry loved planets, too. 
   I like the part in which Mudge protected tiny little kittens from a new dog. The cat who lived next door to Henry and Mudge had a litter of kittens. Henry named five kittens Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn because he loved planets. Henry and Mudge wanted some kittens of their own so Henry named them and Mudge protected them from a new dog. When the new dog got closer to Henry's house, Mudge's ear s went up then Mudge barked and barked and barked. I think the new dog just wanted to see the five tiny little kittens in the box but for Mudge it seemed like he was going to eat them. Mudge lay down beside the box waited for Henry like he owned the five kittens.

[ new words ]
puddle : 水たまり
bark : 吠える
lick : なめる
paw : 足
sneeze : くしゃみ、くしゃみをする
collar : 襟、首輪
bend : かがむ
belly : 胃、おなか
petal : 花びら
Venus : 金星
Mars : 火星
Saturen : 土星

215 words/1462 words


BR1-02(2) : Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind

“And at least you know where to find Mudge if you need him!” Henry’s father said

    This is a story about when the wild wind comes. In this book, Henry and Mudge face wind, thunder and lightning. Henry does not like thunderstorms, neither does Mudge. When a thunderstorm comes, Mudge do strange things. He whines, walks around the kitchen table about a hundred times, sits in the bathroom alone and puts his head between the couch cushions. And then, when a thunderstorm comes, Henry whistles a lot. He whistles “Jingle Bells”, “Happy Birthday” and “The Star-Spangled Banner” Henry whistles and whine like crazy because to make himself calm. Then a thunderstorm became much harder and wild blew much harder. Henry's father suggested to Henry that rescue Mudge. Henry crawled to the place where prisoner Mudge were. 
   I like the part that Henry rescued his best friend Mudge. He was crawling inch by inch cross the enemy line to rescue Mudge. It was just like game that Henry's father suggested but he felt really sure to rescue. They are really good friend and they know that they need each other.

[ new words ]
fur :
rippled : さざ波が立つ/さざ波
jumpy : びくびくする
whine : 泣き言をいう
whistle : くち笛をふく
lightning : 稲光/電撃的な/稲妻が走る
pow : ぽかっ、ぱーん
splat : ぴちゃっ
grumble : ぶつぶつ文句を言う,不平を述べる
wag : 尾を振る,動かす
prisoner : 囚人、囚われの身
scorpion : サソリ
inch by inch : 少しずつ、ゆっくりと
bravely : 勇敢にも
collar : 襟、首輪
frown : 眉をひそめる
grin : にっこりと笑う

348 words /1247 words


BR1-01(1) : Henry and Mudge in the Green Time

Then Mudge licked Henry's face. Mudge licked the taste. It was salty. So Mudge licked Henry's face again and again and again. Every tear that Henry cried Mudge licked away.

As the title suggest, Henry and Mudge in the Green Time is they have a good time in the nature. Henry and Mudge are good friends, even thought they are human and dog. Mudge seems like eating anything that Henry gives him. Dry dog food, popcorn, cookies and tears.

[ new words ]

59 words/899 words


   I'm Ayumi, and I also have another nickname in English Amy. So please call me Ayumi or Amy whichever you want. I'm 19, a student of KGU. I'm major in English because I want to became an English teacher and teach English at junior high school. I have one older brother and three younger brothers and I'm only sister in my family. I wish I could have my younger sister but it is impossible anymore.I've never ever been abroad so I want to go to foreign countries. If I had a lot of money, I want to go to Australia and watch many animals there.
   I have been learning English since I was a elementary school student because my mother made me learn English. I didn't like English before because I didn't want to learn it. But now I like to learn English because I can talk to people who speak English and that is a one of my ways to communication with someone with not my body language, Japanese. I like listening to music, especially English songs because it is a one of ways to learn English. 
   My favorite singer is Taylor Swift and one of my favorite songs is "We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together". I thing most people know this song because this is a opening song for Terrace House. I'm now second year student of KGU, but I don't belong any circle. I like to go shopping with my friends or just myself. I have a part time job and I'm getting paid 850 yen per a hour and I have 2 or 3 works times per a week from 5 o'clock to 10 o'clock p.m.. When I have free time, I do my homework because I don't much time to do that if I have part time job. What's more, I clean my room to keep my room clean. 
   I also like watching movies especially western movies. What's more, I have Twilight series DVDs and Harry Potter series DVDs. I had watched Twilight three times each. First time,I watched it in Japanese, then second time, in English and the subtitles are in Japanese, then third time, in English and subtitles are in English. This is how I watch western movies if I have DVDs.
    I want to become a English teacher at junior high school but I don't do anything. What should I do? :( Are there anything good way to study English more harder? 
412 words / 840 words


Letter to Host Families

Hi, I’m Ayumi but I also have another name in English Amy. So please call me Ayumi or Amy, whichever you want. I have four brothers, one older brother and three young brothers, so I’m the only one sister in my family.
I started learning English at ECC junior when I was a third grade student because my mother made me learn it against my will. Therefore, I didn’t like learning English at first because I could see no point in learning it. Although little by little I had been involved in learning English. Then it was when I was a seventh grade student that a thing happened in English class. I could understand what the ALT and the English teacher was talking about in English a little because I had been learning English. Since then, I decided to study English hard and became an English teacher and then teach English at a junior high school. This is why I continue studying English hard at KGU.
              This time, I will stay with you for 6 weeks this summer. I’m really looking forward to meeting you and staying with you. I have never ever been abroad but I’m proud of my English speaking ability. Of course there are so many problems that I have to improve in my grammar. Though, I would like to talk and learn English by having conversations in English with you. In addition, if there are any, I would you like to correct my English mistakes.
              My hobby is listening to English songs, cook and cleaning rooms. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber. I usually listen to their songs during school way and before studying. Lately, I’m really into cooking sweets. For example, when I have a little bit time to cook, I cook easy scorns. I would like to tell you how to cook it. It is really easy to cook and good for a party I think. What’s more, I would like you to teach me how to cook anything. Then I would like to teach you how to cook Japanese traditional foods or anything you want to know how to cook about Japanese food. Before I’m coming there, please let me know so that I can teach you how to cook.
              This time I will stay with you for 6 weeks in America. I would like you to take me anywhere you want. I have never ever been abroad, so I have no idea where place should I go. I’m really forward to meeting you.

Sincerely Ayumi

428 words