Last Wednesday, I talked with Susukida san at the library with English. She is going to go to New Zealand as an exchange student. She is going to stay there for one year!!! I envy her. I wanted to go abroad but it costs too much. Therefore, she asked me to help her because she wanted to improve her English skill more. She knows that my English ability, and I was really glad that she asked me to help her. I major in English but the chance to use English is almost nothing. We are gointg to meet again.
I went to Joyfull with my high school friend. Her family name is also Matsushita. We sometimes meet together and talk a lot about what happend recently. I talked about Syumpei because we were in trouble now and I need to talk about this someone to help me. When we meet together, we usually talk about each boyfriend. We stayed there for a few hours.
I cleaned my room and windows. It was chilly but I thught I should do this right now. When I was in trouble and was confused, my room always gets messy room. That one of the sign that I was in trouble. So I forgot what I should do, for example, homeworks and assignments. I need time to think about what I should do right now and to rest. I was tired of being trouble.
Recently, I found that I like to work. I have a part-time job and I work for 5 days a week. When I was a cash-register, I was tired of it. When I need not to do register, I feel free and I do a lot of things. For example, I place drinks and alcoholic drinks. What's more, I place toilet papers and tissues. I like to working and I like to doing something better that do nothing.
OH!!!!! WInter vacation will come soon!!! I'm really looking forward it becasue I can sleep more. These days, it is chilly and I cannot get out of futon and I cannot move quickly. Why we cannot move quickly??? I sometimes want to be a bear because they do not move when winter has come. They sleep and sleep and sleep.
2014/12/15 Diary week 11
I went to college by bicycle this morning. It was chilly and also it was a little rain. I did not know that it would be rain afternoon. I was in library to do assignments and I heard the sound of rain. I was disappointed that my bicycle would wet because of rain. The rain was stopped when I went to home, but it was still chilly. After I went back home, I wiped the rain from my bicycle and I went and saw Syumpei. WE had not to work so we went to Okonomiyaki restaurant, Don Don Tei. We had been there twice. We tried to eat Monjya parfait but we did not because we were full.
I went to college by bicycle and it was also chilly. I was sniveling while I was pedalling. I wiped my nose. One of the good point pedallling bicycle is I get warm. Therefore, when I got college, I always feel warm than by gentuki. I stopped Direx to buy staffs to make scorns. I made scorns again!!! It tasted really good that before. I will bring it tomorrow and give it my classmates.
I was absent on last Wednesday because I had cold and I thought it might be flu. Although, it was just a cold. I do not like to go to hospitals because I do not know what they will do for me. I stayed in bed and I recovered from cold on that day!! I though I was just tired becasue I did not sleep well recentry. I though I should take a rest more and eat more not to have cold. Also, I did not bring scorns to my classmates. I want to bring them tomorrow.
I had speech on 3rd period on Friday. That is one of the teaching profession classes. I speeched about bullying at certain junior high school, which the boy killed himself because of bullying. I cannot understand why people are bullying others. Do they want others to pay attention to them? I think so. They know that bullying is not good thing but they want others to pay attention and they signs they need help or they are in trouble and they want others to listeing to them. I want to be a teacher so I should think about this more and I want to solve problems at school.
Today, I went to MK with Dmates. This was for the first time to have dinner with them. It was strange member and we did not talk a lot. We were planning to go bowling, but one of Dmate had test tomorrow. Although, we stayed at MK for a few hours and I had good time with them. We are now planning to go bowling next month.
One of my favorite dish (week 10)
One of my favorite dishes is Omu rice. I prefer like it better than Omuretu. My favorite Omu rice restaurant is Omuraisu tei, which are located at Hamasen 1st floor. It it standed next to Otoya, which serves many kinds of dishe. It serves many kinds of donburi, like Katu don, Oyako don. It has a lot of dishes and when I feel like eating Omu rice, I always go to Omurairu tei even if I was some foraway place. It is expensive butI think it deserve to eat when I fell like eating Omu rice. What's more, it has parfaits and also it is expensive. It take about 10 minutes to come up but I like that time when I am waiting for it. Myfavorite Omu rice is Omu rice with Demiglace souce. What's more, there are two kinds of rice, ke
2014/12/08 Diary Week 10
These day, it is really chilly morning and I do not want to get out of my futon. I have first period on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Even if I do not have first period on others day, I stay my futon for 10 minutes or I oversleep again. And I missed a few class because I overslept. I like summer better than winter because I cannot get warm and I feel cold.
I watched Sister Act: Back in the Habit. Sister Act is one of my favorite movie series. I like watching western movies than Japanese ones, because it is more exciting and interesting than Japanese movies. When western movies are road showed at 9 on Friday, I always do not watch at beginning. That's why I do not know beginning.
I made scorns and many Ichigo Daifuku. One of my classmates, Machiko, asked me to make something for her. She thinks that I am good at making something and I keep my room clean. I do not know how those images comes up. I had not to work on Tuesday, so I made scorns and many Ichigo Daifuku and I brought scorns next day. Unfortunately, Machiko was absent because of fever. I also gave many Ichigo Daifuku to Dmates. They were all surprised and I was glad. I will make scorns for Machiko on her birthday, December 11.
Syumpei and I were going to go to Kagoshima with his work shop's 2 workers. We were really looking forward to go there and I wanted to go to Kagoshima aquarium. We were ready to go but one of works suddenly could not go because his daughter had cold, flu. I was disappointed and I had no energy to do anything. Though, we are planning to go somewhere.
I went to shopping last Sunday. I went to Shimamura first and I bought Snoopy things, Knitted hot, porch and some other clothes there. And I went to Hamasen GU because they are now on sale. They sells winter clothes at about 990 yen!!! After that, I went to Omuraisu tei with Syumpei and we ate parfaits.
These day, it is really chilly morning and I do not want to get out of my futon. I have first period on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Even if I do not have first period on others day, I stay my futon for 10 minutes or I oversleep again. And I missed a few class because I overslept. I like summer better than winter because I cannot get warm and I feel cold.
I watched Sister Act: Back in the Habit. Sister Act is one of my favorite movie series. I like watching western movies than Japanese ones, because it is more exciting and interesting than Japanese movies. When western movies are road showed at 9 on Friday, I always do not watch at beginning. That's why I do not know beginning.
I made scorns and many Ichigo Daifuku. One of my classmates, Machiko, asked me to make something for her. She thinks that I am good at making something and I keep my room clean. I do not know how those images comes up. I had not to work on Tuesday, so I made scorns and many Ichigo Daifuku and I brought scorns next day. Unfortunately, Machiko was absent because of fever. I also gave many Ichigo Daifuku to Dmates. They were all surprised and I was glad. I will make scorns for Machiko on her birthday, December 11.
Syumpei and I were going to go to Kagoshima with his work shop's 2 workers. We were really looking forward to go there and I wanted to go to Kagoshima aquarium. We were ready to go but one of works suddenly could not go because his daughter had cold, flu. I was disappointed and I had no energy to do anything. Though, we are planning to go somewhere.
I went to shopping last Sunday. I went to Shimamura first and I bought Snoopy things, Knitted hot, porch and some other clothes there. And I went to Hamasen GU because they are now on sale. They sells winter clothes at about 990 yen!!! After that, I went to Omuraisu tei with Syumpei and we ate parfaits.
My favorite sport to watch (week 9)
My favorite sport to watch is soccer. I like to watch soccer since when I was a second grade of elementary school student. My older brother belonged to soccer club at the elementary school when he was 4th grade of elementary school student. I started to play soccer when I was a kindergarten student because my kindergarten school was famous for playing sports. Actually, I played soccer at that time but I did not continue to play it after that. I like to watch soccer and I used to go and cheer my brother and his soccer teammates with mothers and fathers. I liked to pass bottle of water to players. I liked to help them and watch playing soccer. Of course, I like to play soccer but I like to watch it than playing it, because I was not good at it. I was disappointed how I am not god at playing soccer.
2014/12/1 Diary Week 9
Last Monday, it was a holyday for ordinary, but for KGU student, some of them had school on that day. I was one of them. On October 13rd, KGU was closed college because of the typhoon. Instead of it, I had school on that day. I have 3 classed on Mondays, Writing, Speaking and Eibungaku gairon.
Last Monday, it was a holyday for ordinary, but for KGU student, some of them had school on that day. I was one of them. On October 13rd, KGU was closed college because of the typhoon. Instead of it, I had school on that day. I have 3 classed on Mondays, Writing, Speaking and Eibungaku gairon.
I went to Aso area to help Direx where are located at Aso with Shimoda san and two more Dmate. Dmate means person who work at Direx as a part-time worker. Shimoda san took us to Aso and it took about 1 hour. We arrived little earlier then we were in his car until other Dmates come. It was cold outside because we were in Aso area. We worked there 2 hours and we went down to Kumamoto city area at 9. We were very hungry and we stopped having dinner at Joyfull. We talked there more than an hour. I had good time with them and I wanted to have dinner with Dmates more.
I went to Aso area to help Direx where are located at Aso with Shimoda san and two more Dmate. Dmate means person who work at Direx as a part-time worker. Shimoda san took us to Aso and it took about 1 hour. We arrived little earlier then we were in his car until other Dmates come. It was cold outside because we were in Aso area. We worked there 2 hours and we went down to Kumamoto city area at 9. We were very hungry and we stopped having dinner at Joyfull. We talked there more than an hour. I had good time with them and I wanted to have dinner with Dmates more.
I skipped 2nd period class on last Wednesday. I could not get up not to late for school. I do not want to skip classes but I could not get up. So I studied at home not to late 3rd period. I quarreled with Syumpei but we made up. I do not want to lose his and even though we quarrel again, we will make up.
I skipped 2nd period class on last Wednesday. I could not get up not to late for school. I do not want to skip classes but I could not get up. So I studied at home not to late 3rd period. I quarreled with Syumpei but we made up. I do not want to lose his and even though we quarrel again, we will make up.
Kamimoto sensei admired my English speaking ability. I was delighted to hear that. I had Micro teaching at his English teaching class and I had to teach how to pronounce 'th' and 'r' and other new words. I have confidence in speaking ability because most my classmates and foreigners admire my speaking ability. They wonder whether I have been abroad or not, then Kamimoto sensei too. I want to improve my speaking ability more so that I speak English more fluently.
I went to Joyfull with Misato and Haruna. I had not to work on last Friday and I missed them. We have known since we were Shokei high school students. They understand me and when I am in trouble, they listen to me any time. We talked more than 4 hours at Joyfull and it is natural for us to talk more than a few hours.
I went to Joyfull with Misato and Haruna. I had not to work on last Friday and I missed them. We have known since we were Shokei high school students. They understand me and when I am in trouble, they listen to me any time. We talked more than 4 hours at Joyfull and it is natural for us to talk more than a few hours.
My favorite clothes shop (week 8)
My favorite clothes shop is GU. I usually buy clothes there especially jeans. GU sells jeans cheaper than UNIQLO and GU's jeans are fit with me than UNIQLO ones. I usually buy jeans when it is on seal, because it is more cheaper than buy a pair of jeans.Usually it costs about 1300 yen including tax, but when it is on seal, it costs about about 1300 yen with two pair of jeans!!! How nice it is! Thanks to this, I can save money and have fun whit shopping. Not only jeans but also GU sells coats, shoes, bags, skirts, knit hats when autumn has come, under wears. They sells men's, women's and child's clothes, so the shoppers can enjoy shopping with their families and they can do matching code which means people buy same clothes to get more relationship with favorite person.
My favorite manga (week 7)
My favorite manga is a series of Kyo Koi wo Hajimemasu. That means "I will begin to love someone, today." In this mange, the heroine, Tubaki, meets a bad boy, Tubaki kun, who enjoys teasing girls in his school. His looks is great and most girls want to become his girlfriend. He likes to tease a girl who approachs him. The name of heroine is Tubaki Hibino, and the name of hero is Ryouta Tubaki. Her first name is same his family name. Tubaki likes to study and she is an earnest student. She does not like to wear a uniform not properly. She wears a skirt longer than her knees and she wears her hair in braids. She does not like to waste of time loving someone. Though, she fall in love Tubaki kun and she has good experiences with him. She fall in love deeply
2014/11/24 Diary Week 8
These days I feel really sleepy. I have to work more than 4 days a week and I must do assignments. I want to rest of time to do assignment and study English more. I do not study harder than when I was a high school student. College students seem have enough time to do something than high school students but I do not think so. I had enough time to study English more than now. I did not need to move classroom to classroom like now. I always sit down my seat when I was a high school student to study or do homework. I want to go back the time when I really studied hard.
Last week, I bought my favorite singer's new CD album, 1989. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift and I love her songs because most her songs are based on her romantic experiences. My favorite song of that CD is Black space. In this promotion video, Taylor loves a man who looks great. But he has relationship with another woman. She breaks his expensive car with anger. I like those videos that she show how she feel.
Last Thursday, I did not have to work and Shumpei too. We had tokoyaki party at his house with Kohei and Hozumi. It was a first time for them to come to his house. I have a takoyaki plate then I brought it. We have 5th period every Tursday so after finished it, we went shopping at Youme Town near KGU. Kohei and I had two coupons for 500 yen off, then we paid about 3000yen for purchases. After that, we went back to Syumpei's house and Syumpei cut all stuffs because we are not allow get into a kitchen. Then we had tokoyaki party!! It was really fun because we put tuna and it splashed away!!! Then I burned my right arm with it. I do not want to try it again.
Syumpei, Kohei, Hozumi and I went to Aso to look at beautiful stars. Kohei drove to Aso daikanbou and it took about more less than one hour. On the way to Aso, a few motorcycle gangs, we call them yanki-, drove before us. They were playing us because they drove slowly and drove down the road in a zigzag line. I got mad at them. They were same part of the way. But we separated on the way and we stopped parking area where we can look at beautiful stars. I saw two shooting stars, Kohei saw one, Syumpei and Hozumi did not saw. I had never seen shooting stars before, so I felt happy to see it and two ones. I want to go and look at the beautiful stars again.
This morning I washed my car because it was dirty because of rain. It took 2 hours to watsh and I was sweat. After I finished washing my car, I went to Aso to refresh. I like to drive and I went to Senomoto area, Sensuikyo and Michi no Eki. At Semonoto area, I went to coffee shop and took a break and went to Sensuikyo. Seeing from Sensuikyo, it saw really beautiful view. After that, I went down to Aso michi no eki, which sells vegetables, flowers, snacks, stuffs..... All of them are made in Aso area. I did not buy anything but I like seeing them.
These days I feel really sleepy. I have to work more than 4 days a week and I must do assignments. I want to rest of time to do assignment and study English more. I do not study harder than when I was a high school student. College students seem have enough time to do something than high school students but I do not think so. I had enough time to study English more than now. I did not need to move classroom to classroom like now. I always sit down my seat when I was a high school student to study or do homework. I want to go back the time when I really studied hard.
Last week, I bought my favorite singer's new CD album, 1989. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift and I love her songs because most her songs are based on her romantic experiences. My favorite song of that CD is Black space. In this promotion video, Taylor loves a man who looks great. But he has relationship with another woman. She breaks his expensive car with anger. I like those videos that she show how she feel.
Last Thursday, I did not have to work and Shumpei too. We had tokoyaki party at his house with Kohei and Hozumi. It was a first time for them to come to his house. I have a takoyaki plate then I brought it. We have 5th period every Tursday so after finished it, we went shopping at Youme Town near KGU. Kohei and I had two coupons for 500 yen off, then we paid about 3000yen for purchases. After that, we went back to Syumpei's house and Syumpei cut all stuffs because we are not allow get into a kitchen. Then we had tokoyaki party!! It was really fun because we put tuna and it splashed away!!! Then I burned my right arm with it. I do not want to try it again.
Syumpei, Kohei, Hozumi and I went to Aso to look at beautiful stars. Kohei drove to Aso daikanbou and it took about more less than one hour. On the way to Aso, a few motorcycle gangs, we call them yanki-, drove before us. They were playing us because they drove slowly and drove down the road in a zigzag line. I got mad at them. They were same part of the way. But we separated on the way and we stopped parking area where we can look at beautiful stars. I saw two shooting stars, Kohei saw one, Syumpei and Hozumi did not saw. I had never seen shooting stars before, so I felt happy to see it and two ones. I want to go and look at the beautiful stars again.
This morning I washed my car because it was dirty because of rain. It took 2 hours to watsh and I was sweat. After I finished washing my car, I went to Aso to refresh. I like to drive and I went to Senomoto area, Sensuikyo and Michi no Eki. At Semonoto area, I went to coffee shop and took a break and went to Sensuikyo. Seeing from Sensuikyo, it saw really beautiful view. After that, I went down to Aso michi no eki, which sells vegetables, flowers, snacks, stuffs..... All of them are made in Aso area. I did not buy anything but I like seeing them.
2014/11/17 Diary Week 7
I went to a long-sleeved kimono (furisode) shop, Torii, at Youme town. One of my best friends, Misato, told me about the shop and went there with me. I tried three different furisode on, white, blue and black. I tried white one on first and I loved it. Next, I tried blue one on and black one. Misato took pictures of me wearing three different furisode. I tend to like one which I chose or see first time. So I liked white one. Misato also liked it, so I decided that one. My aunt will give me hair ornaments to me as a present of coming-of-age.
I went and saw speech contest for Eibei gakka students. When I was a high school student, I attended a speech contest twice. I did not know that the contest would be held at KGU, but one of my classmates, Mika, was there. She asked me to help her and I did. But I did not help her well. I was glad that I had opportunity to see speech contest. I want to attend speech contest next year. I also want to study more and more so that I speak English more fluently.
I had dinner with Shimoda san at Hana Hana. I did not have dinner yet and he just finished working then I asked him to have dinner somewhere. He took me to Hana Hana and we chatted for 3 hours while having dinner. He listened to me and I listened to him. I have never been to Hana Hana but I like it. He said he take me somewhere again if he have time to go.
I went shopping with Syumpei to buy clothes. I wanted to buy a duffle coat, socks and some other clothes. First, we went to Ieon Mall and I bought a game that my brother asked me to buy. Also I bought CD which my favorite singer Taylor Swift's new album. Then we walked around and we went to Hamasen to buy a duffle coat. I wanted to go to GU where I usually buy clothes. I bought the duffle coat and some socks there. And I also bought new schedule. I bought many things and now I need not to buy any clothes I think.
I had strange dream last night. I could fly with flying machine like hagrider. I saw 7 rainbows in the sky and the sky was really strange. There were the moon, the round purple thing and some other planets were there. But suddenly, I was at an airport. Then I was looking at the strange sky, and count how many rainbows were in the sky. After that, I was in water with a strange man. He knows me and I know him, but in real I do not know who he is. What's more, I do not know why I was in water. I talked to him and I got off the water and went to a party(?) . The hostess was an old woman and she seemed to look like my grandmother. I do not remember what happened after that, but it was really strange dream.
I went to a long-sleeved kimono (furisode) shop, Torii, at Youme town. One of my best friends, Misato, told me about the shop and went there with me. I tried three different furisode on, white, blue and black. I tried white one on first and I loved it. Next, I tried blue one on and black one. Misato took pictures of me wearing three different furisode. I tend to like one which I chose or see first time. So I liked white one. Misato also liked it, so I decided that one. My aunt will give me hair ornaments to me as a present of coming-of-age.
I went and saw speech contest for Eibei gakka students. When I was a high school student, I attended a speech contest twice. I did not know that the contest would be held at KGU, but one of my classmates, Mika, was there. She asked me to help her and I did. But I did not help her well. I was glad that I had opportunity to see speech contest. I want to attend speech contest next year. I also want to study more and more so that I speak English more fluently.
I had dinner with Shimoda san at Hana Hana. I did not have dinner yet and he just finished working then I asked him to have dinner somewhere. He took me to Hana Hana and we chatted for 3 hours while having dinner. He listened to me and I listened to him. I have never been to Hana Hana but I like it. He said he take me somewhere again if he have time to go.
I went shopping with Syumpei to buy clothes. I wanted to buy a duffle coat, socks and some other clothes. First, we went to Ieon Mall and I bought a game that my brother asked me to buy. Also I bought CD which my favorite singer Taylor Swift's new album. Then we walked around and we went to Hamasen to buy a duffle coat. I wanted to go to GU where I usually buy clothes. I bought the duffle coat and some socks there. And I also bought new schedule. I bought many things and now I need not to buy any clothes I think.
I had strange dream last night. I could fly with flying machine like hagrider. I saw 7 rainbows in the sky and the sky was really strange. There were the moon, the round purple thing and some other planets were there. But suddenly, I was at an airport. Then I was looking at the strange sky, and count how many rainbows were in the sky. After that, I was in water with a strange man. He knows me and I know him, but in real I do not know who he is. What's more, I do not know why I was in water. I talked to him and I got off the water and went to a party(?) . The hostess was an old woman and she seemed to look like my grandmother. I do not remember what happened after that, but it was really strange dream.
2014/11/03(11/10) Diary week 6
I watched a drama on last Monday on Speaking class. The Covenant Players came to KGU and performed for us that telling something through the drama. I had watched their performance before, when I was a high school student. It was a good opportunity for us to listen. I major in English course though I do not much use English. I want them to come again.
Second day of traveling Oita, Syumpei and I were planning to watch rising sun view taking Tanayu but we overslept and missed it. The sun rose at around 6:30 a.m. On that day, it was little cloudy and I thought I could not watch rising sun clearly. However, we took Tanayu in the morning and had breakfast. We left Suginoi Hotel at around 11 a.m., and we were on the way home. On the way home, we stopped at Snoopy Chaya which sells snoopy goods and serve lunch. I love Snoopy so he took me there. After that, we came back to Kumamoto and we had good time there. I want to go to Oita again and so does Syumpei.
I did not have to work on last Saturday so I went and saw Syumpei and I stay his house until his brother came back home. We played games and watched TV. When we spend time together, we play games and watch TV or DVD and have dinner. We ate yakiniku for dinner at West for as much as we like. However, we did not eat too much and we ate dessert too much.
I watched a drama on last Monday on Speaking class. The Covenant Players came to KGU and performed for us that telling something through the drama. I had watched their performance before, when I was a high school student. It was a good opportunity for us to listen. I major in English course though I do not much use English. I want them to come again.
On last Wednesday, I went to Shokei high school, which I used to go, to watch the Corvenant Players. They, Kurt, Cathy and Suzan, remembered of me. Their performance was really nice and I also learned something through their performance. I love them and they were in trouble how to get to the Kumamoto Station. I have my own car and I wanted to help them, so I took them to Kumamoto Station. That was my pleaser and I was really glad that I could help them.
I went to Suginoi Hotel in Oita with Syumpei on October 30th and 31st. We had holiday on that day because the school festival, Takumasai, would come. First we went to Kokonoe "Yume" Otsurihashi, a walkway through the skies, where is located in Oita. Syumpei and I went to there before with each family. When we got to Suginoi Hotel, we were surprised at the illuminations. First, we had dinner and watched the Aqua Garden which is one of famous things of Suginoi Hotel. Then we took Tananoyu. We were very tired then got sleep earlier.
EVENT 4 Second day of traveling Oita, Syumpei and I were planning to watch rising sun view taking Tanayu but we overslept and missed it. The sun rose at around 6:30 a.m. On that day, it was little cloudy and I thought I could not watch rising sun clearly. However, we took Tanayu in the morning and had breakfast. We left Suginoi Hotel at around 11 a.m., and we were on the way home. On the way home, we stopped at Snoopy Chaya which sells snoopy goods and serve lunch. I love Snoopy so he took me there. After that, we came back to Kumamoto and we had good time there. I want to go to Oita again and so does Syumpei.
I did not have to work on last Saturday so I went and saw Syumpei and I stay his house until his brother came back home. We played games and watched TV. When we spend time together, we play games and watch TV or DVD and have dinner. We ate yakiniku for dinner at West for as much as we like. However, we did not eat too much and we ate dessert too much.
2014/10/27 Diary - Week 5
Today, I did the Micro-teaching at How to teach English class(Eigoka kyouikuho). I had to make lesson about learning new words for KGU students. They pretended thst they were junior high school students. In this class, we learn how to teach English to jinior high school students. I have confidence in my speaking ability, though I was nervous teaching new words' pronunciations. For Japanese, it is difficult to pronunce "th" and "r" sounds because there is no "th" and "r" sounds in Japanese. I heardthat when I pronunce "r" sound, put "u" sound before "r". Some classmaes said that he wanted to talk to me in English. I was glad anout that. I though I needed to improve my speaking ability more.
Today, I did the Micro-teaching at How to teach English class(Eigoka kyouikuho). I had to make lesson about learning new words for KGU students. They pretended thst they were junior high school students. In this class, we learn how to teach English to jinior high school students. I have confidence in my speaking ability, though I was nervous teaching new words' pronunciations. For Japanese, it is difficult to pronunce "th" and "r" sounds because there is no "th" and "r" sounds in Japanese. I heardthat when I pronunce "r" sound, put "u" sound before "r". Some classmaes said that he wanted to talk to me in English. I was glad anout that. I though I needed to improve my speaking ability more.
I have been having a cough since last week and still now. It was unusual for me to have a cough. I did not much time to sleep well because of part-time job, so I had a cough. I want to sleep more than 7 hours, but I can not. I used to go to bed by 10 p.m. when I was a high achool student. Although, I am college student now and I have to work. Furthermore, I still have assignment. Yesterday, I had fever and I had to work. I felt tired and I could not speak loud. Therefore, Shimoda san let me go back home little earlier. After I got back home, I got more fever and cough. I could not slep well last night. I should have rest time before things were getting worse. Now, I fell little good though I still have fever.
I have been having a cough since last week and still now. It was unusual for me to have a cough. I did not much time to sleep well because of part-time job, so I had a cough. I want to sleep more than 7 hours, but I can not. I used to go to bed by 10 p.m. when I was a high achool student. Although, I am college student now and I have to work. Furthermore, I still have assignment. Yesterday, I had fever and I had to work. I felt tired and I could not speak loud. Therefore, Shimoda san let me go back home little earlier. After I got back home, I got more fever and cough. I could not slep well last night. I should have rest time before things were getting worse. Now, I fell little good though I still have fever.
Next month, on November 12, I am going to go to watch a speach contest for KGU students. One of my classmates, Mika, are going to attend that contest. She have been making a speach by herself about the differeces of cleanig between Japan and America. She asked me to help her. She wrote down and I checked it a few times. I was glad to help her with my English skills, though, I sometime think that I am a busybody.
Next month, on November 12, I am going to go to watch a speach contest for KGU students. One of my classmates, Mika, are going to attend that contest. She have been making a speach by herself about the differeces of cleanig between Japan and America. She asked me to help her. She wrote down and I checked it a few times. I was glad to help her with my English skills, though, I sometime think that I am a busybody.
Syun and I are planning to go to Oita on this weekend. We do not have school on this weekend because the school festival, Takumasai, are going to be held. I do not belong to any circles, so I need not to prepare for Takumasai. Thanks to this, I have 5 day off this weekend from Thursday to Monday. I bought a magagine about Oita. I am really looking forware to going to Oita, but I should get over my cold before.
Syun and I are planning to go to Oita on this weekend. We do not have school on this weekend because the school festival, Takumasai, are going to be held. I do not belong to any circles, so I need not to prepare for Takumasai. Thanks to this, I have 5 day off this weekend from Thursday to Monday. I bought a magagine about Oita. I am really looking forware to going to Oita, but I should get over my cold before.
I do not want to stay home. I want to live by myself or do shore house with someone. These days, my mother often get angry and take out her anger on me or my brothers. I can not endure with it. When she gets angry, she say something in loud voice again and again, and I do not why I am scold by her. She has been not nice to me since I was a junior high school student She do not listen to me anymore. I am not goot at connumicating with her. I do not want to be like her.
I do not want to stay home. I want to live by myself or do shore house with someone. These days, my mother often get angry and take out her anger on me or my brothers. I can not endure with it. When she gets angry, she say something in loud voice again and again, and I do not why I am scold by her. She has been not nice to me since I was a junior high school student She do not listen to me anymore. I am not goot at connumicating with her. I do not want to be like her.
What I dislike (week 6)
dislike dirty or mess rooms. I want to keep rooms clean so that I have a
comfortable place in my house. I usually keep my room clean because I do not
want to mess my room and I do not want to leave things away. When I do not have
time to clean, I usually clean up my room on weekends in the morning. Usually,
I keep my room clean, but sometime I do not want to anything. I do not have
much furniture in my room. I do the washing my own laundry every evening and
hang out the wash laundry to dry in my room. Therefore, I sometimes leave my
clothes on the floor if I do not have time to fold them.
My favorite high school memory (week 5)
favorite high school memory is class match when I was third year student. We
competed against many other classes with playing volleyball. We had been
expected to win the first prize, but the other class won it. We had many
students in our classmates who belonged to sports activities, for example,
there were more than 5 students who belonged to the basketball club, there were
2 more students who belonged to the tennis club. I did not belong to any sport
clubs, though I like to play sports. Actually, I belonged to volleyball club
when I was an elementary school student. Therefore, I was really looking for
playing volleyball as class match. I enjoyed playing volleyball with my
classmates even though we did not got the
2014/10/20 Diary - Week 4
EVENT 1: Typhoon
Last Monday, all classes were canceled because of the typhoon. It was windy and sometime it was rain. I was glad that all classes were canceled and I did not have to go to college. I missed Writing, Speaking class on that day. Even though I did not have school but I had to work. I hoped that Direx which I work at would be closed because of the typhoon. Unfortunately, it was opened. Therefore, I had to go in heavy rain. Before the typhoon has come, customers bought much more stuffs than usual to take precautions against the typhoon last Friday and Saturday. I was tired of it. I do not want to them to buy so much even if the typhoon comes. I think the typhoon do not stay longer and go away soon. Therefore, they need not to buy so much.
EVENT 2: Day off
Last Tuesday, I had day off, so I went to college by bicycle. I finished school little earlier than usual in Listening class. What's more, I had day off, so I rode on a bicycle to Park dome. It was little bit cold and wind. I could not go fast because of it. I gave up riding bicycle against the wind, and I returned to my home.
EVENT 3: Boring
Last Thursday, Professor Osawa apologized to students for had been canceled his class last week. He did it last year. Therefore, he had canceled class suddenly twice because he had a fever. He always strict with us on classes, but he does not strict with him. In addition, his classes are always boring. I am not interested in his class, though I have to take his class to graduate. What's more, I do not like to study history and he teaches us eagerly.
EVENT 4: Fireworks
Last Saturday, 18th, I went to Yatushiro to watch fireworks. It was the biggest fireworks festival in Kyusyu. I went to there with Syumpei, and we were waiting for more than 5 hours until the show began. I thought I came to Yatsushiro too early. It was the first time that I went there. I did not know how many times it would take. When we got to a green tract of land, thousands of people crowded there. I did not meet my friends there, but Syumpei did. We watched fireworks sitting on the ground in cold outdoor.
EVENT 5: Jii and Baa(grandfather)
Syumpei and I went and met Syumpei's grandparents in Minamata. I wanted Syumpei to meet his grandparents as often as he can, because I did not meet my grandmother so often. She has gone last July, and I am still regretting that I did not meet her. I loved her and I wanted to see and say hello to her. Although I did not. I want him to treat more precious his grandparents, so I took him to his grandparents house. He called his grandfather Jii and his grandmother Baa. They were really nice to me. We stayed for a few hours, and I had good time with Jii and Baa.
Last Monday, all classes were canceled because of the typhoon. It was windy and sometime it was rain. I was glad that all classes were canceled and I did not have to go to college. I missed Writing, Speaking class on that day. Even though I did not have school but I had to work. I hoped that Direx which I work at would be closed because of the typhoon. Unfortunately, it was opened. Therefore, I had to go in heavy rain. Before the typhoon has come, customers bought much more stuffs than usual to take precautions against the typhoon last Friday and Saturday. I was tired of it. I do not want to them to buy so much even if the typhoon comes. I think the typhoon do not stay longer and go away soon. Therefore, they need not to buy so much.
EVENT 2: Day off
Last Tuesday, I had day off, so I went to college by bicycle. I finished school little earlier than usual in Listening class. What's more, I had day off, so I rode on a bicycle to Park dome. It was little bit cold and wind. I could not go fast because of it. I gave up riding bicycle against the wind, and I returned to my home.
EVENT 3: Boring
Last Thursday, Professor Osawa apologized to students for had been canceled his class last week. He did it last year. Therefore, he had canceled class suddenly twice because he had a fever. He always strict with us on classes, but he does not strict with him. In addition, his classes are always boring. I am not interested in his class, though I have to take his class to graduate. What's more, I do not like to study history and he teaches us eagerly.
EVENT 4: Fireworks
Last Saturday, 18th, I went to Yatushiro to watch fireworks. It was the biggest fireworks festival in Kyusyu. I went to there with Syumpei, and we were waiting for more than 5 hours until the show began. I thought I came to Yatsushiro too early. It was the first time that I went there. I did not know how many times it would take. When we got to a green tract of land, thousands of people crowded there. I did not meet my friends there, but Syumpei did. We watched fireworks sitting on the ground in cold outdoor.
EVENT 5: Jii and Baa(grandfather)
Syumpei and I went and met Syumpei's grandparents in Minamata. I wanted Syumpei to meet his grandparents as often as he can, because I did not meet my grandmother so often. She has gone last July, and I am still regretting that I did not meet her. I loved her and I wanted to see and say hello to her. Although I did not. I want him to treat more precious his grandparents, so I took him to his grandparents house. He called his grandfather Jii and his grandmother Baa. They were really nice to me. We stayed for a few hours, and I had good time with Jii and Baa.
My favorite movie (week 4)
favorite movie is Twilight series. I have all of Twilight DVDs and I had
watched them for 3 times each. It was a love fantasy fiction movie. A human
girl named Bela fell in love with a vampire named Edward. Edward can read
everybody's mind except Bela. That one of the reason he fell in love with Bela.
On the other hand, Bela fell in love with Edward, because his eyes, his face, even
his smell attracts her. He tried to keep away from her because it was not easy
for him to stay by her side. Although, little by little, he can control himself
and then they got together. Bela wants to become a vampire so that she can live
life forever with lover, Edward. She asked him to change her.
2014/10/13 Diary - Week 3
EVENT 1: New bicycle
Yesterday, Syun and I went to bicycle shop to buy a new bicycle. Syun gave me the new bicycle as a birthday present even though my birthday did not come yet. He wanted to ride a bicycle with me and go around by bicycle. Therefore he bought it right now. First we went to Asahi, bicycle shop, near my house, but there were nothing that I felt nice. Then we went to other Asahi, and I found a good one. The color, shape and style were good, but it was too big for my height. Therefore, we went to the other one near Hikarinomori. Finally, I found the one. I tried to ride and then I decided to buy the one immediately. I was grateful to him for giving me the good new bicycle.
EVENT 2 : Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! Ride!!
Today, I went to college by the new bicycle with Syun. It was good weather and a little bit wind. On the way to college, we stopped by Kengun shrine. I prayed over me and Syun not to have an accident while we are riding a bicycle. Day before yesterday, I saw an accident in which a car and a bicycle on the way to college. I will watch out while I am riding a bicycle.
EVENT 3: Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! again
Last Friday, I went to college by bicycle. It was a little bit wind but it was not hot to ride. I always worry about whether my bicycle was stolen while I am taking classes. After 3rd period on Friday, my bicycle was certain place where I stopped by. Syun's friend, Takaki, wanted to see my new one and I showed him. He rode a few minutes, and he wanted to buy a bicycle!! He said that he would save money to buy a bicycle.
EVENT 4: Day off
Last Saturday I did not have to work because there were too many workers on that day. There were 10 including me and a manager told me about that. I have had to work from last Tuesday, 9th to next Monday, 13rd. Therefore I want to have rest day, and I asked the manager it is okay that I have rest day on Saturday. He said okay and I got day off!!! Therefore, I went to Syun's house and cleaned up his room with Syun. His room became clean and he said he tried to keep his room clean.
EVENT 5: Long drive
I went to Kikuchi with Mika and Nodoka. I took them there to watch a movie. It took almost 1 hour to get to Kikuchi Bunka Kaikan. It was windy because of the typhoon. I took them to there and they got off and I was driving around Kikuchi Bunka Kaikan. I went to an Ashi yu(a hot spring for just foot). It was too hot to get into, so I put just my toes into it. I wanted to stay there for hour, but suddenly it started to rain and I got back to my car. After that, I went to Koubai to buy Jindaiko for me and for Mika and Nodoka. They had good time and they met a famous actor who was born Kumamoto, named Kengo Koura. We came back to Kumamoto city and we had lunch at Tatunoya, my favorite ra-men shop.
Yesterday, Syun and I went to bicycle shop to buy a new bicycle. Syun gave me the new bicycle as a birthday present even though my birthday did not come yet. He wanted to ride a bicycle with me and go around by bicycle. Therefore he bought it right now. First we went to Asahi, bicycle shop, near my house, but there were nothing that I felt nice. Then we went to other Asahi, and I found a good one. The color, shape and style were good, but it was too big for my height. Therefore, we went to the other one near Hikarinomori. Finally, I found the one. I tried to ride and then I decided to buy the one immediately. I was grateful to him for giving me the good new bicycle.
EVENT 2 : Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! Ride!!
Today, I went to college by the new bicycle with Syun. It was good weather and a little bit wind. On the way to college, we stopped by Kengun shrine. I prayed over me and Syun not to have an accident while we are riding a bicycle. Day before yesterday, I saw an accident in which a car and a bicycle on the way to college. I will watch out while I am riding a bicycle.
EVENT 3: Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! again
Last Friday, I went to college by bicycle. It was a little bit wind but it was not hot to ride. I always worry about whether my bicycle was stolen while I am taking classes. After 3rd period on Friday, my bicycle was certain place where I stopped by. Syun's friend, Takaki, wanted to see my new one and I showed him. He rode a few minutes, and he wanted to buy a bicycle!! He said that he would save money to buy a bicycle.
EVENT 4: Day off
Last Saturday I did not have to work because there were too many workers on that day. There were 10 including me and a manager told me about that. I have had to work from last Tuesday, 9th to next Monday, 13rd. Therefore I want to have rest day, and I asked the manager it is okay that I have rest day on Saturday. He said okay and I got day off!!! Therefore, I went to Syun's house and cleaned up his room with Syun. His room became clean and he said he tried to keep his room clean.
EVENT 5: Long drive
I went to Kikuchi with Mika and Nodoka. I took them there to watch a movie. It took almost 1 hour to get to Kikuchi Bunka Kaikan. It was windy because of the typhoon. I took them to there and they got off and I was driving around Kikuchi Bunka Kaikan. I went to an Ashi yu(a hot spring for just foot). It was too hot to get into, so I put just my toes into it. I wanted to stay there for hour, but suddenly it started to rain and I got back to my car. After that, I went to Koubai to buy Jindaiko for me and for Mika and Nodoka. They had good time and they met a famous actor who was born Kumamoto, named Kengo Koura. We came back to Kumamoto city and we had lunch at Tatunoya, my favorite ra-men shop.
My favorite summer memory (week 3)
My favorite vacation memory is which I had been to Osaka with Syun. I have stayed Osaka with him twice. For the first time, we stayed his friend's apartment becasue he let us stay. We walked around Osaka. We visited Osaka Castle, Namba, Kaiyukan which is an aquerium. Some of his friend came and saw us when we visited Osaka. Second time, we stayed at an Hotel for the first time. We have been planning to what to do at Osaka and where to visit. First day, we went to Yoshimoto Shinkigeki which is comedy show. After that, his friend, Kenshiro, Ryouhei and Daisuke, came to gathered and I had dinner with them. We do not well about Osaka. Therefore, they led us where we should take a train, which train we should get into.
2014/10/06 Diary - Week 2
EVENT 1 : I went to college by bicycle
Today, I went to KGU by bicycle because I did not have to work. It took about 20 minutes to get there. I used to go to Shokei high school by bicycle and it took about 20 minutes. (Oh no, it took same time!!!!) I was little bit surprised about that. I went back to Syun's house with Syun, also he came to KGU by bicycle. I took a rest and I went back to my home. It took about 50 minutes to get home. I had good exercise and I had good time with him. Therefore, I want to buy a cross bike and go to KGU by it if I do not have to work or if I have time to ride.
EVENT 2 : I had dinner with friends
Last Wednesday, I did not have to work but I had to attend an orientation about education on 5th period. After that, I went downtown with Syun to meet his friend, Daisuke. We went bowling and played 5 games. After we enjoyed playing it, we went to Hamakatsu, cutlet restaurant. Whenever I go there, cutlets are nice. What's more, I can have second helping (okawari in Japanese) for free, except cutlets. After that, we went back home and said goodbye, I went to a hot spring. I went to Ikkyu where I usually go. I enjoyed day off.
EVENT 3 : I went to TOYOPET
Last Friday, I went to TOYOPET to inspect my car. It was for free and it took about 30 minutes. After finished checking, a maintenance man washed my car for free. My car was duty because of the rain. Therefore I wanted to wash my car, but he did. After that, I went back home and had a nap until I had to work.
EVENT 4 : For the first time
Today, I went to meet Syun, Kohei and Hozumi at their house and went bowling at Spola. That was the first time to play with them. I did not have a good score on each game. After that, we went upstairs and played billiards and darts. Hozumi had to go back home little earlier so I took him to his house. Besides, I took Kohei to his house too. Then Syun and I went to Asahi which is a bicycle shop because I wanted to buy a bicycle to go to college. I did not decide which one I wanted to buy, but I am going to go there on next Wednesday.
EVENT 5 : book review
I read a book, All About Ashley, I own. It is written in Japanese and English. I did not look at Japanese sentences because I wanted to understand the meaning in English. This book made a deep impression on me. Ashley has Progeria and it is a rapid aging disease. She is not afraid of dying because she thinks it does not make sense to be afraid of dying. I am afraid of dying because.... I do not know exactly. Last July, my grandmother died and I still think about her. Whenever I think about her I always cry. Dying is like losing I think. Therefore I was impressed with Ashley's though.
EVENT 2 : I had dinner with friends
Last Wednesday, I did not have to work but I had to attend an orientation about education on 5th period. After that, I went downtown with Syun to meet his friend, Daisuke. We went bowling and played 5 games. After we enjoyed playing it, we went to Hamakatsu, cutlet restaurant. Whenever I go there, cutlets are nice. What's more, I can have second helping (okawari in Japanese) for free, except cutlets. After that, we went back home and said goodbye, I went to a hot spring. I went to Ikkyu where I usually go. I enjoyed day off.
EVENT 3 : I went to TOYOPET
Last Friday, I went to TOYOPET to inspect my car. It was for free and it took about 30 minutes. After finished checking, a maintenance man washed my car for free. My car was duty because of the rain. Therefore I wanted to wash my car, but he did. After that, I went back home and had a nap until I had to work.
EVENT 4 : For the first time
Today, I went to meet Syun, Kohei and Hozumi at their house and went bowling at Spola. That was the first time to play with them. I did not have a good score on each game. After that, we went upstairs and played billiards and darts. Hozumi had to go back home little earlier so I took him to his house. Besides, I took Kohei to his house too. Then Syun and I went to Asahi which is a bicycle shop because I wanted to buy a bicycle to go to college. I did not decide which one I wanted to buy, but I am going to go there on next Wednesday.
EVENT 5 : book review
I read a book, All About Ashley, I own. It is written in Japanese and English. I did not look at Japanese sentences because I wanted to understand the meaning in English. This book made a deep impression on me. Ashley has Progeria and it is a rapid aging disease. She is not afraid of dying because she thinks it does not make sense to be afraid of dying. I am afraid of dying because.... I do not know exactly. Last July, my grandmother died and I still think about her. Whenever I think about her I always cry. Dying is like losing I think. Therefore I was impressed with Ashley's though.
My favorite elementary school memory (week 2)
favorite elementary school memory is
which I was scolded by my favorite teacher. I took Kanji test and I had
confidence in my Kanji, but what I wrote was not good style and my favorite
teacher wanted me to write Kanji in good shape and properly. I didn't accept
her opinion and suggestion because I had confidence in my Kanji and I thought I
got 100 ten. I felt angry what she said and she called me and scolded in front
of other classmates and I couldn't apologize to her about my wrong Kanji. I
still remember what she said to me. At first, she got angry at my Kanji but
little by little, she got angry at my behavior,
My favorite class (week 1)
favorite class is of course learning English. There are four classes to learn
about English: reading, listening, writing and speaking. I like reading some
story in textbooks. What's more, I can learn some true story from it. I am not good
at writing because I don't like grammar and I don't really care about it when I speak
English. The most important thing is speaking I think. When we talk to someone,
we communicate with speaking. If I want to say something, I speak. Also,
listening is important. When we talk, we speak and listen to someone speak.
Speaking and listening is really necessary things to communicate with someone.
If I can't speak English, I can't communicate with foreigner and if I
Something special I did during this vacation (week E)
What I
did something special during this vacation was I decided to by a car for my
own. We already have a car for family but my brother uses it almost every day
to go to his office. So I couldn't drive a car when I wanted to go shopping, go
to hot spring, go somewhere with my friend. I understand that it is unnecessary
for student like me to have their own car, but I have no choice. Of course I'm
going to pay all by myself getting a loan. I have to pay about 30000 yen for a
month and
Good and bad points about summer (week D)
good points about summer are for students, they don't need to go to school in
hot weather. Most students go to school by bike or walk. If the sun shines
hard, they feel hot and don't want to walk or go out. Also they have much free
time to play with their friends, go to somewhere as a travel or work to earn
much money. In addition, they have time so sleep well because they are in
summer vacation. But the opposite, bad points is their life style might be
changed so big. They don't need to get up early to be in time for 1st period
How I study during the vacation (week C)
I will
study English using text books which I used when I was a high school student. I
think I have to look grammar over again if I really want to be a teacher and teach
English but also to improve my English skills. Not only grammar but also
listening ability is also important thing. So I need to listen to music, TV
show or radio to improve my Listening ability. Also I have better to meet and
talk with someone who speak English. I like to listen to music and the news on
TV when someone talks in English, not dubbing into Japanese. Or I have some foreign DVDs so I have chances
to watch those at home. To improve English
2014/09/29 Diary - Week 1
EVENT 1 : Eat Yakiniku and meet Kai san
I went to West Yakiniku which located at Ohzu with Syun and Hozumi. For them it was first time to go there but I wasn't. We ate Yakiniku and desserts watching TV and chatting. After we finished eating, we went and saw Kai san who used to work at Shinseido which Syun works at. He graduated from KGU and he was kind to us when he worked at Shinseido. When we visited him, he bought two ice creams for us. I was given energy from him by chatting with him.
EVENT 2 : Autumn Equinox Holiday
Last Tuesday, it was the Autumn Equinox Holiday so I had no school. But unfortunately, I had to work from 5 p.m., until then, I spent time with Syun. We studied and took a nap and then we had to work. I have to work almost every day. I have a few days off a week. I have to pay more than 30000 yen a month for my own car so I need to work to make and save money.
EVENT 3 : Application for studying
I want to be a teacher for future and I need to study for it. In KGU, they offer student courses to study. They offered me a nice course. I need to study about how to take an examination for service to become a teacher. They open this course for free. That is good for me to save money so I applied for this.
EVENT 4 : Chatting with my best friends
Last Friday, I met and chatted with my best friends, Haru and Misato, at Joyfull. We were Shokei students and we live same area, so we would often go back home together. But now, we are different college students so we can not see each other so often. We sometimes gather and chat for mor that 2 hours at Joyfull. We talk about events, future, school, friends and so on. We always have good time when we gather.
EVENT 5 : Selling old clothes
I went to Guruguru Soko which sells and buys used things, for example, clothes, shoes, bags, comic books. I sold about 10 clothes I do not wear recently and those were bought by just 100 yen. I was surprised at that price. I do not want to sell clothes at that store anymore. I want to bring used clothes to other store which collect and bring them to developing countries.
I went to West Yakiniku which located at Ohzu with Syun and Hozumi. For them it was first time to go there but I wasn't. We ate Yakiniku and desserts watching TV and chatting. After we finished eating, we went and saw Kai san who used to work at Shinseido which Syun works at. He graduated from KGU and he was kind to us when he worked at Shinseido. When we visited him, he bought two ice creams for us. I was given energy from him by chatting with him.
EVENT 2 : Autumn Equinox Holiday
Last Tuesday, it was the Autumn Equinox Holiday so I had no school. But unfortunately, I had to work from 5 p.m., until then, I spent time with Syun. We studied and took a nap and then we had to work. I have to work almost every day. I have a few days off a week. I have to pay more than 30000 yen a month for my own car so I need to work to make and save money.
EVENT 3 : Application for studying
I want to be a teacher for future and I need to study for it. In KGU, they offer student courses to study. They offered me a nice course. I need to study about how to take an examination for service to become a teacher. They open this course for free. That is good for me to save money so I applied for this.
EVENT 4 : Chatting with my best friends
Last Friday, I met and chatted with my best friends, Haru and Misato, at Joyfull. We were Shokei students and we live same area, so we would often go back home together. But now, we are different college students so we can not see each other so often. We sometimes gather and chat for mor that 2 hours at Joyfull. We talk about events, future, school, friends and so on. We always have good time when we gather.
EVENT 5 : Selling old clothes
I went to Guruguru Soko which sells and buys used things, for example, clothes, shoes, bags, comic books. I sold about 10 clothes I do not wear recently and those were bought by just 100 yen. I was surprised at that price. I do not want to sell clothes at that store anymore. I want to bring used clothes to other store which collect and bring them to developing countries.
What classes I will take next term (week B)
Next term I will take almost same classes, but next term I don't need to take first period on Tuesday and Wednesday. Compared with last term, I will take a few new classes, Law class, Child-English Education primer and Special-Activity Study. The former, Law class is said that easy to take and interesting. The two latter are necessary classes to become a teacher. Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading classes are necessary classes to graduate and those are helpful for me.
What makes me disappoint is I have to take 3rd period on Friday. Last term I didn't have 3rd period on Friday and I had free time on weekend Also, I have 5th period on Thursday.
What makes me disappoint is I have to take 3rd period on Friday. Last term I didn't have 3rd period on Friday and I had free time on weekend Also, I have 5th period on Thursday.
My vacation plans (week A)
My this summer vacation plan is going to go to Osaka. I'm going to go to Osaka with Syun to go to USJ and watch Yoshimoto Shinkigeki which is comedy show. We are planning to stay Osaka for 3 days and 2 nights. Last time when we went to Osaka, we stayed at apartment which is friend of Syun because he let us stay. But this time we are planning to make a reservation near the sea and near USJ.
Day 1, we are going to go to Yoshimoto Shinkigeki to watch comedy show and then meet Syun's friend, Kenshiro, Ryohei and Daisuke, who lives in Osaka. Day 2, we are planning to go to USJ and ride attractions. It is the Harry Potter area which will be opened this August. Day 3, we are planning to go meet Syun's friend, Ryosuke, and go to Tsutemkaku and walk around. I'm really looking forward to going to Osaka again.
Day 1, we are going to go to Yoshimoto Shinkigeki to watch comedy show and then meet Syun's friend, Kenshiro, Ryohei and Daisuke, who lives in Osaka. Day 2, we are planning to go to USJ and ride attractions. It is the Harry Potter area which will be opened this August. Day 3, we are planning to go meet Syun's friend, Ryosuke, and go to Tsutemkaku and walk around. I'm really looking forward to going to Osaka again.
Exodus: Gods and Kings, A Five Star Life
Today, we watched two movie trailer, A Five Star Life and Exodus: Gods and Kings. In Japanese, A Five Star Life is translated hajimari ha itutuboshi kara. It was opened in Japan in February 2014, so I will go to the library and make a reservation for it to see that move in the library for free.
In A Five Star Life's poster, This is your journey. The path is up to you. I agree with it. The life is my life and
The path is up to you.
73 words
My favorite GOAL
My favorite goal is Van Persie's. His teammate passed to him from far away place and he goal with his head. That was amazing and I was surprised that is possible. After his goal, the goal keeper of Spain was standing
BR : The Hat
This story is about Bernardo likes hats, one days he buys a new hat at a street market and people laugh at it. They might laugh because it is strange for him to wear that hat. His wife sells that hat and other one, Anna, buys that hat and she is in Rome on vacation. She goes to a cafe for a drink but the wind takes her hat away. Next, a man, Cal, finds that hat and he plays guitar on the street and gets money. He thinks that hat is a lucky one but a man, Rod, takes that hat and uses it for stole money from a store. He takes the money and runs from the store. He throws away that hat before he was arrested. A young woman, Gina, is in the taxi and her hometown is Roma so she goes back to Rome wearing that hat. Finally, at the Rome, Bernardo sees Gina wearing that hat.
Something has a destiny to get back a certain place, person, position. In this story, the hat has a destiny to go back to Bernard. That hat tripped a lot and some got a good luck with that hat, others got a bad luck from that hat.
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Something has a destiny to get back a certain place, person, position. In this story, the hat has a destiny to go back to Bernard. That hat tripped a lot and some got a good luck with that hat, others got a bad luck from that hat.
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The Hunger Games
Today we watched the movie trailer for the third Hunger Games movie. I have never watched this movie but I want to watch it near soon. One of my favorite actor Josh Hutcherson performs in those Hunger Games. He also performed Center of the Earth. It was first time that I know him and since then I addicted to him. I have never seen this movie then I asked my friend about this movie's story.
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Sightseeing in Kyusyu
There are many good sightseeing places in Oita, for example, Beppu onsen (Beppu hot springs), Yufuin onsen (Yufuin hot springs), Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi. I'm going to got o tell you about Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi.
Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi is located at middle of Oita. The elevation is
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BR : Rain, Rain, Rain!
Faye gets to school. She sees something on the school gate. It says, "No school today. School holiday."

I think sometimes we do like this. There is no school but doesn't remember well and hast to go to school or office and we only to know that there is no school. I haven't had this experiences before but
I have experienced that there was an important test or class but I forgot or overslept and I was absent that. I was disappointed at myself but I learned something from that. I write down all my schedule on any schedule books and before I go to bed, I make it habit to
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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and other matter
Today we saw a trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I had seen this first movie Planet of the Apes before I saw this movie. I didn't understand this movie first because I was an elementary school student when I first watched first one. I got afraid of animal, money, from this movie because they are much more powerful than human and much more cleaver and wiser than human being. I think they know how to control human because they learned anything from human even though we are same kind of animal. We can't imagine how powerful they are and how cleaver they are. That's one of thrill thing for human. They are much more powerful and cleaver than human expects.
dawn <-> duck
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dawn <-> duck
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BR : Detective Dinosaur LOST AND FOUND

"Help! Baby Penny is lost " This sounds like a job for Detective Dinosaur and Officer Pterodacty1. They were on patrol and they heard this sound. She has taken Vinnie's taxi and headed for the park and on the way to the park, she has run over Inez. At the park gate two Maiasaurs sat in a hot-air balloon basket and they said "A baby grabbed our balloon!" Inside the park they found taxi which was stolen in a mud puddle, the hot-air ballon in a tree and the pink diaper on the grass but they did not find Baby Penny. So they decided to split up and look for her and meet back there by that big rock. Detective Dinosaur sat on the rock, he found Baby Penny!!! She was playing hide-and-seek. She wanted to play it again but she was a lost baby who stole a taxi, ran over Inez, and rook a balloon so she had to go to the police station. But she was sorry about what she had done. So she gave everything back.
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Blog Stats June 23rd
Number of posts
February/March: 0
April: 18
May: 12
June: 12
total: 8427
The Good Lie
Today we watched the trailer for The Good Lie. From the title, I think someone will tell lies for good purpose and those will help others in good ways. What I just understood in this movie was Resse Witherspoon didn't get marry and
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BR : The Ugly Duckling
This story is about a gray ugly duckling force to go away from others ducklings. There were five eggs, four were fluffy and cute, one was gray and ugly. Four cute ducks were mean to ugly one and pecked at him and then they force him to get away. He swam and swam, he met some geese and herons but they also mean to him. They also had him get away. Once again, he met the most beautiful bird he had ever seen. But they ignored him, did not want to see ugly duck. Actually he was one of beautiful swan but he never know and no one accept him because he was ugly. One swan came to him and asked him, "Why are you so shy?""Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Then he looked into the shiny water and he noticed that he was the beautiful swan. Since then, he was always kind to all living things.
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Typing week 9 : My favorite movie(s)
My favorite movie is Twilight
which is story about vampire boy and human girl fall in love and do something
special that never happened ever. I have whole this movie DVDs and I have
watched all of it three times per one DVD. First time, I watched it in Japanese
because I just wanted to know what that story it is. And second time, I watched
it in Japanese and subtitles are Japanese because I wanted to know what the
actors and actresses performed in movies. Finally, I watched it all in English
because I have already know the whole story and what happened, what they will
do next and what they will say. This is how I
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The Hundred-Foot Journey
Today we watched the trailer for The hundred-Foot Journey, a movie featuring Helen Mirren asa the owner of A French restaurant. I like omelet so I want to eat it in that movie. I know it is difficult to make omelet.
I like the sentence in which ""
I like the sentence in which ""
48 words
Food in Kyushu(essay)
Every Kyushu prefecture have their own traditional foods, drinks and dishes. And those can be their characters and people can connect those things with those prefectures. When you hear the word of "basashi", can you imagine Kumamoto? I'd like to tell you about two foods and one drink I like the most.
First of all, of course you know Kasutera is Japanese sweet in which is known for Nagasaki. Actually it has come from Portugal and then Japanese made it original one based on Portugal one. You can buy Kasutera at Nagasaki of course but also at Fukuoka and Kumamoto. All you have to do is just visit the store which name is '福砂屋(Fukusaya)' which is the main store. Now you can buy it everywhere in Kyushu. It soft and tastes good and color is also good. Muh... I want to eat it right now.
Second, Kumamoto has many traditional foods or dishes or drinks, for example, basashi(馬刺し), karashirenokon(辛し蓮根), jinndaiko(陣太鼓), ikinaidango(いきなり団子) etc..... I don't like and karashirenkon because I can't eat raw or uncooked thing and I don't like to eat spicy foods. I like Ikinaridango the best of all in Kumamoto traditional foods. Ikinaridango is made with wheat flour and it wraps a sweet potato which is cut in circle and mashed bean. And then steam basashi m them. Even though it get cold, it is still delicious but I recommend you to eat it when it is hot.
Finally, Jindaiko is also known for one of Kumamoto traditional foods. Jindaiko is a typical sweet of Kumamoto because it is made up with a secret honey and covered with special wrapping paper. You can buy one at Kumamoto Station of course and Kumamoto Airport. Also it is located everywhere in Kumamoto and located at on my way home too.

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Boring weekend
This weekend, I didn't hang out with my friends. I just stayed at home and did homework or assignment all day. There were many homework that I have to do. First I had to write a report about health and excercise for kenkou kageku. I had to go to a libraly and collect some informations and write down in report handout without using a computer. And then after I finished that report, I copied some notes and cleaned ,y room to refresh my feeling. Next a
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Typing week 10 : Using the computer
Using the computer is so helpful for us to write, make
graphs, make resumes. Most college students have to write report using the
computers. For Eibei department student, we have to use the computer to do
homework, for example we have to do English Central to improve our speaking
ability and practice speaking. I watch YouTube and search some information
about something that I get interested in, and do my homework using the
computer. But I think using the computer too much is not good because you might
become poor eyesight and you need to use glasses or contact lenses.
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Typing week 8 : Foreign countries
I want to visit foreign countries. For example, I want
to visit Australia because I like animals so I want to watch many kinds of
animal there. Also I am little bit interested in surfing. So I want to see it
at Gold coast. I heard that there are good wave at that place. What's more I
want to play snorkeling and see coral reaves. I also want to go to France
because I took French class when I was a fresh man. I learned French so I want
to talk to French in French. In addition,
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