Every Kyushu prefecture have their own traditional foods, drinks and dishes. And those can be their characters and people can connect those things with those prefectures. When you hear the word of "basashi", can you imagine Kumamoto? I'd like to tell you about two foods and one drink I like the most.

First of all, of course you know
Kasutera is Japanese sweet in which is known for Nagasaki. Actually it has come from Portugal and then Japanese made it original one based on Portugal one. You can buy Kasutera at Nagasaki of course but also at Fukuoka and Kumamoto. All you have to do is just visit the store which name is '福砂屋(Fukusaya)' which is the main store. Now you can buy it everywhere in Kyushu. It soft and tastes good and color is also good. Muh... I want to eat it right now.

Second, Kumamoto has many traditional foods or dishes or drinks, for example, basashi(馬刺し), karashirenokon(辛し蓮根),
ikinaidango(いきなり団子) etc..... I don't like and karashirenkon because I can't eat raw or uncooked thing and I don't like to eat spicy foods. I like Ikinaridango the best of all in Kumamoto traditional foods. Ikinaridango is made with wheat flour and it wraps a sweet potato which is cut in circle and mashed bean. And then steam basashi m them. Even though it get cold, it is still delicious but I recommend you to eat it when it is hot.

Finally, Jindaiko is also known for one of Kumamoto traditional foods. Jindaiko is a typical sweet of Kumamoto because it is made up with a secret honey and covered with special wrapping paper. You can buy one at Kumamoto Station of course and Kumamoto Airport. Also it is located everywhere in Kumamoto and located at on my way home too.
327 words
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