Today we saw a trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I had seen this first movie Planet of the Apes before I saw this movie. I didn't understand this movie first because I was an elementary school student when I first watched first one. I got afraid of animal, money, from this movie because they are much more powerful than human and much more cleaver and wiser than human being. I think they know how to control human because they learned anything from human even though we are same kind of animal. We can't imagine how powerful they are and how cleaver they are. That's one of thrill thing for human. They are much more powerful and cleaver than human expects.
dawn <-> duck
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BR : Detective Dinosaur LOST AND FOUND

"Help! Baby Penny is lost " This sounds like a job for Detective Dinosaur and Officer Pterodacty1. They were on patrol and they heard this sound. She has taken Vinnie's taxi and headed for the park and on the way to the park, she has run over Inez. At the park gate two Maiasaurs sat in a hot-air balloon basket and they said "A baby grabbed our balloon!" Inside the park they found taxi which was stolen in a mud puddle, the hot-air ballon in a tree and the pink diaper on the grass but they did not find Baby Penny. So they decided to split up and look for her and meet back there by that big rock. Detective Dinosaur sat on the rock, he found Baby Penny!!! She was playing hide-and-seek. She wanted to play it again but she was a lost baby who stole a taxi, ran over Inez, and rook a balloon so she had to go to the police station. But she was sorry about what she had done. So she gave everything back.
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Blog Stats June 23rd
Number of posts
February/March: 0
April: 18
May: 12
June: 12
total: 8427
The Good Lie
Today we watched the trailer for The Good Lie. From the title, I think someone will tell lies for good purpose and those will help others in good ways. What I just understood in this movie was Resse Witherspoon didn't get marry and
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BR : The Ugly Duckling
This story is about a gray ugly duckling force to go away from others ducklings. There were five eggs, four were fluffy and cute, one was gray and ugly. Four cute ducks were mean to ugly one and pecked at him and then they force him to get away. He swam and swam, he met some geese and herons but they also mean to him. They also had him get away. Once again, he met the most beautiful bird he had ever seen. But they ignored him, did not want to see ugly duck. Actually he was one of beautiful swan but he never know and no one accept him because he was ugly. One swan came to him and asked him, "Why are you so shy?""Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Then he looked into the shiny water and he noticed that he was the beautiful swan. Since then, he was always kind to all living things.
159 words
Typing week 9 : My favorite movie(s)
My favorite movie is Twilight
which is story about vampire boy and human girl fall in love and do something
special that never happened ever. I have whole this movie DVDs and I have
watched all of it three times per one DVD. First time, I watched it in Japanese
because I just wanted to know what that story it is. And second time, I watched
it in Japanese and subtitles are Japanese because I wanted to know what the
actors and actresses performed in movies. Finally, I watched it all in English
because I have already know the whole story and what happened, what they will
do next and what they will say. This is how I
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The Hundred-Foot Journey
Today we watched the trailer for The hundred-Foot Journey, a movie featuring Helen Mirren asa the owner of A French restaurant. I like omelet so I want to eat it in that movie. I know it is difficult to make omelet.
I like the sentence in which ""
I like the sentence in which ""
48 words
Food in Kyushu(essay)
Every Kyushu prefecture have their own traditional foods, drinks and dishes. And those can be their characters and people can connect those things with those prefectures. When you hear the word of "basashi", can you imagine Kumamoto? I'd like to tell you about two foods and one drink I like the most.
First of all, of course you know Kasutera is Japanese sweet in which is known for Nagasaki. Actually it has come from Portugal and then Japanese made it original one based on Portugal one. You can buy Kasutera at Nagasaki of course but also at Fukuoka and Kumamoto. All you have to do is just visit the store which name is '福砂屋(Fukusaya)' which is the main store. Now you can buy it everywhere in Kyushu. It soft and tastes good and color is also good. Muh... I want to eat it right now.
Second, Kumamoto has many traditional foods or dishes or drinks, for example, basashi(馬刺し), karashirenokon(辛し蓮根), jinndaiko(陣太鼓), ikinaidango(いきなり団子) etc..... I don't like and karashirenkon because I can't eat raw or uncooked thing and I don't like to eat spicy foods. I like Ikinaridango the best of all in Kumamoto traditional foods. Ikinaridango is made with wheat flour and it wraps a sweet potato which is cut in circle and mashed bean. And then steam basashi m them. Even though it get cold, it is still delicious but I recommend you to eat it when it is hot.
Finally, Jindaiko is also known for one of Kumamoto traditional foods. Jindaiko is a typical sweet of Kumamoto because it is made up with a secret honey and covered with special wrapping paper. You can buy one at Kumamoto Station of course and Kumamoto Airport. Also it is located everywhere in Kumamoto and located at on my way home too.

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Boring weekend
This weekend, I didn't hang out with my friends. I just stayed at home and did homework or assignment all day. There were many homework that I have to do. First I had to write a report about health and excercise for kenkou kageku. I had to go to a libraly and collect some informations and write down in report handout without using a computer. And then after I finished that report, I copied some notes and cleaned ,y room to refresh my feeling. Next a
86 words
Typing week 10 : Using the computer
Using the computer is so helpful for us to write, make
graphs, make resumes. Most college students have to write report using the
computers. For Eibei department student, we have to use the computer to do
homework, for example we have to do English Central to improve our speaking
ability and practice speaking. I watch YouTube and search some information
about something that I get interested in, and do my homework using the
computer. But I think using the computer too much is not good because you might
become poor eyesight and you need to use glasses or contact lenses.
94 words/100 words
Typing week 8 : Foreign countries
I want to visit foreign countries. For example, I want
to visit Australia because I like animals so I want to watch many kinds of
animal there. Also I am little bit interested in surfing. So I want to see it
at Gold coast. I heard that there are good wave at that place. What's more I
want to play snorkeling and see coral reaves. I also want to go to France
because I took French class when I was a fresh man. I learned French so I want
to talk to French in French. In addition,
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97 words/7651 words
Typing week 7 : My other classes
I take listening class on
Tuesday, 4th period. I like listening to English but in this class it is a
little bit difficult for me to listen to British English. I am used to listening
to American English, so sometimes it is different pronunciation in British
English. I feel, its sounds are not strength and powerful voice, but its are
soft and powerless. The pronunciation is also different from British English to
American English. For example, American people pronounce "can" with
strong voice in American English but British don't. This was my first discovery
in which the difference of British English and American English. I sometimes
106 words
Typing week 6 : How I study English
I have been studying English
when I was in elementary school. First I took English class which is called ECC
junior. My mother made me take English class there. I don't exactly know how I
study English. I like English, so I talk to foreign people in English even
though I am not good at grammar or I have trouble in my speaking. I don't care
making mistakes because I always learn something from making mistakes. I
sometimes call my high school ALT teacher whose mane is Julie. She corrects my
mistakes when she notice and then I learn how to should I have said what I
wanted to say. I don't use something special textbooks but I learn studying by
talking with foreign people who speak English, by listening to English songs,
by watching the movies,
137 words
Sightseeing in Kumamoto
I would like to tell you about Takamori Yusuikan tunnel park. It is one of the sightseeing in Kumamoto and it is located at Takamori town. It takes less than one hour from Kumamoto city by car. It costs 300 yen for adult and 100 yen for child. I recommend you to go there when you feel hot and want to get cold.
When the Star Festival comes, that tunnel will be decorated up with colorful tanzaku which many people write down their wishes and hang out the in high so that their wish can reach to Vega and Altair, I think.
Most famous thing is the Water pearl which is pearls fall down and ripe up or sometimes it stop in the air. It is really amazing and I can't help wondering what happens with it.
Why don't you get there with your family or friends or girlfriend or boyfriend? Or just get to cold?
Most famous thing is the Water pearl which is pearls fall down and ripe up or sometimes it stop in the air. It is really amazing and I can't help wondering what happens with it.
Why don't you get there with your family or friends or girlfriend or boyfriend? Or just get to cold?
156 words
last weekend
This weekend I went to river to play with my boyfriend and his friend. It was so exciting for me to play in the river. But that was dirty more than common and we gave up to play and got back to my boyfriend's house. We did nothing special. It was hot outside, and inside. We just stayed at his house room and played games and read comic books and we went to yayoiken to have dinner. It was my first time to go there. Oh I remember that Friday, May 30th, KGu students had no school. I went to down town with my boy friend and his friend
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