
Journal J

I read Animals at War by Isabel George and Rob Lloyd Jones. It was published by USBORNE YOUNG READING.
I chose the Chapter 3, which title is “A soldier’s best friend”. Here are three kinds of dogs that have served in wartime. First, “ambulance dogs” were sent to carry the injured food and medical supplies. Also they gave comfort to soldiers stranded alone in the battlefield. Over 3,000 ambulance dogs were used and they have saved around 10,000 soldiers’ lives. Next, “mine dogs” were taught how to ride in military vehicles, cope with the sound of gunfire, and even to wear gas masks. They saved thousands of lives but many of them died in the line of duty. After the war, some dogs were retrained to return to ordinary life as pets. Third, the British SAS (Special Air Service) began training “para-pups” to jump from planes with specially fitted parachutes. "Para-pups" could lead them into enemy territory, signaling whenever it detected danger. The famous “para-pup” was Bob, which made 20 parachute jumps.
The reason why I chose his book is mainly I love the animals, so I wanted to read the book which was about the animals, especially the dogs. Then I found this book, “Animals at War”, in the English Reading Garden. When I took this book, I found that there were a big toy poodle, a pigeon and a man holding the pigeon on his hands in cover of this book.
What I liked a part of this book is that some dogs that have survived in wartime had chances they could return to ordinary life as pets. I think speaking of the dogs, most of them tend to be the pets and they give comfort to people. Also, they have mysterious abilities. For example, today, the dogs are trained to be the therapy dogs. Then the trainers bring them to not only the hospitals but also the old-age homes. Then the patients meet and touch them even if the patients don’t move a part of their bodies. They feel comfortable and happy without thinking about diseases or anything that they have inside. The dogs make people happy. I think mostly the dogs should be the pets or one of someone’s family member or do something that help people who need. For example, there are the dogs that guide and help blind people, because they have keen intelligence.
What I didn’t like is about that he animals were used for human’s war. Why they had to be used for it? If the humans had not had the wars, any lives would have saved. The dogs also have their own families. They might be a father or a mother or a brother or a sister. What’s more, they also have feelings like us, human, I think.
I think most people don’t enjoy reading this book because this is the story about the wars. Even if people can enjoy reading this book, they will know and learn something more about the wars that not the only horses but also the dogs were used in wartime, also the other animals too. In addition, they will know that not only human’s lives but also so many the animals’ lives were lost in any wars.

Journal I


1 packed hot cake mix
100 grams of butter
100cc of milk
chocolate tips/chocolate bars(as much as you like)

How to make
First, put 100 grams of butter into the oven for 1 minute at 600 degrees until it has melted. Then take it out from the oven and mix it with 100cc of milk. And mix to let it cool because not to make chocolate tips or chocolate bars melt. Second, put 1 packed hot cake mix into the bowl and pour mixed butter and milk into it then stir them with your hands. Remember not to stir them too much because if you do, the dough will become hard. Third, put chocolate tips into it and stir them with your hands but remember not to stir them too much. Finally, take some dough in your hands and make shapes that you like. If you want to give it to your boyfriend or one who you like, make them into heart shapes. But I recommend you not to make it into properly shapes. After all, put them on the plate covered with cooking paper, then put them into the oven for 15 minutes at 180°. 10 minutes has passed, you will smell of it and that make you happy. But wait for at least 5 minutes!! Don’t open the door of the oven. 5 minutes later, you will hear the sound of oven and you may open the door of it. Remember not to touch that plate with your bare hand even if you are really looking forward to smell or eat those cookies, because it is really hot and you will get your fingers burned. After all you can take it out the oven and take the pictures to remember that you made those at that time. If you want to make moist scorns, add more milk and butter into the dough.



journal H

B) Fashion Model

Couch with Belt
     This is the new product "Couch with Belt". This is wide enough for you to sleep well. Breath and width can be changed according to your body. So you don't have to worry about any more when you buy a bed.
     I'll tell you how to use it. First, push the green button to stretch the bed. Before you push it, please look around that there is no furniture around it. It stretches in 5 seconds. Next, type your information about your form, for example height, weight, three size etc.. WARNING: to be honest when you type your information and don't type wrong information. I'll let you know later why. Then, after you typed your information, push the yellow button. Finally, all you have to do is to sleep on this bed. Before you go to bed, please push the red button, which is a switch. This "Couch with Belt" will help you to get the ideal body.
     This product is really judiciously so if you type wrong information, your body will be strange. While you are sleeping, the belt makes your body into good shape and your body like ideal one. Little by little it massages your body to make ideal body. If you buy this new product, you don’t need any exercises, for example jogging, running, go to gym. Furthermore, you don’t need spend time to do something to lose your weight or make your body into ideal body. All you have to do is to just sleep on this “Couch with Belt”


journal G "An experience that changed me"

          Until at the age of 15, I didn't study well. I had been spending normal junior high school life. When we, the students, finish school, some get ready to go to sport club (Bukatsu), other go home and get ready to go to cram school. For me, I didn't belong to any sports clubs,and didn't need to go to cram school, so all I have to do was to just go back home. When I was 13 ~ 14, I was really a kind of stupid student. I didn't study well. After school, I always hung out with my friends or just went back home together and chatted at the parks. 
            Then the time had come to decide where to go to high school. I wasn't wise enough to go to public school, so I decided to go to Shokei high school, which is a private school. I decided to go there to become an nursery school teacher. Forthermore, I was going to go to Shokei junior college. But when I was the tenth grade, my homeroom teacher whose name is Naoko Miyazaki said to me. "Why don't you become an English teacher in junior high school or high school?""Why don't you teach English or something?" The reason why she told me about that was she looked at me teaching something to my friends which they didn't understand about any subjects. Since then, I was thinking of becoming an English teacher.
             Until I met her and she told me about that, I had been being a kind of stupid student and hadn't done anything to become a something. But from that time, I changed my way and she changed me. I decided to become an English teacher in junior high school. Thanks for her cares and words, I'm here, KGU. If she had not been the my homeroom teacher, if I had not been there, I would not have been here.  
            These days, I'm not sure that I really want to be an English teacher. I don't know exactly what should I do to become an English teacher though. I have no confidence of becoming an English teacher. What can I do???! lol Anyway, if I had not met her, I wouldn't have been what I am. I want to become like her. I mean a person who can change other's way in good meaning, and be looked up to, be respected. 


journal F

Person who I admire is, of course, my mother. She has been bringing up 5 children since she got marriage. She married when she was 29 years old then she had first child when she was 30 years old. She really worked hard for us and works for us still now. She cooks males every day, but sometime she doesn't cook because she feels tired. When I was in high school, she always made lunch box for me and my brother too. She got up 5:30 a.m., and cook lunch boxes while cooking breakfast. Thanks to her, I did need not to buy lunch at convenience store or gakushoku or something like that. Sometimes I bought lunch at those shops though. Still now, she make lunch box for me, so I don’t need to buy lunch at bakery or gakushoku, and don’t need to line up to buy breads, juice, or lunch set. She is 51 or 52 years old now, but she do well for us. Once I asked her what makes her work hard. She answered that my children is everything, and I can do everything for my children. I was moved that word. I know, most mothers say like that and their children feel something about that like me. When I heard that I thought it is worth asking this kind of questions and knowing that how their mother think and feel about their children.

journal E

My older brother is the most selfish person in my family. He is already 20 years old though he still lives with us together. I don’t care about that because in case when I became 20 years old, I’m sure that I still live together with my family. There are so many selfish acts that he do in my house. I’d tell you. About 2 months ago, we bought a new car. He and my father decided to buy a new car without discussing with me or with my family members. Of course, I was really happy to hear that we would buy a new car which name is Hybrid Aqua. Do you know this? This is a kind of Hybrid car, which is kind for the earth. Anyway, what make me angry was not having discussed with us. I think, he is really selfish and wants to act like as if he is the “king” in our house. That makes me think that he is really selfish. I want him to think about what I feel about that when he act like that.

Do you know Rui Kurihara? He is a talent,is tall about 180 cm and is 18 years old, so he and I are same age. He is well known for his negative character. For example, his looks is pretty good. He has waved long black hair, and he always wear a hat. A lot of women and girls say, "kya,kakkoiiii!!!!!" That means like "You are cool!!" or "You are handsome!!" something like that in English. Then wave their hands to him. When he comes out on the stage, women and girls always do this. But always says, "kakkoyoku arimasen!!!" That means "NO!! I AM NOT COOL OR HANDSOME!!!!" something like that in English. He always denies what other people say. Why he act like that is I think he is just polite. He think what other people feel, think. His polite character make other people think he is negative character.


Journal D


           What would you do when your birthday came? Do you go outside to have special dinner? Do you take out a few pizzas? Does your mother or father cook something special to eat?
              In my house, usually my mother cooks something special dinner when my or other my family member’s birthday comes. My mother asks one who will be celebrated, “What would you want to eat at your birthday?” My mother is really good at cooking. I love what she cook on our birthday. We usually answer, “I want to eat karaage! And spaghetti! Of course, chicken!!!!” We love chicken, except one of my younger brother Shohei. Basically we stay at home and have special dinner which my mother cooks on birthday. Sometimes we go outside to have special dinner, like yakiniku, sushi, Hamakatu, Chinese restaurant. When we have special dinner at home, my mother and I make a whole cake, and fruit punch. In fruit punch, there are a lot of fruit in it. For example, cherries, pieces of peaches, pieces of pineapples, pieces of oranges, and NATA DE COCO!!!! We love Nata de coco. If it were not put into the fruit punch, it couldn’t be called fruit punch.
              When we were young, we used to celebrate birthdays with candles on the cake. The amount of candles is same number with age. If I were 6 years old when I were celebrated, the amount of candles is six. Also, we used to sing a song, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ayumi. Happy birthday to you.” Then I breathe on candles and put out fires. But now, we don’t do that. Just say, “Happy birthday to you”, and eat a pieces of cakes. It is sad, isn’t it?
              Now I am a college student, so I would like to celebrate birthday with friends. Go someplace to have dinner with friends, eat cake, and go karaoke. Or, I would like to celebrate birthday at home, and talk with friends.


Journal C


Spaghetti is the noodle which is used in Italian dishes. But now, it is used in Japan too. The word “spaghetti” is consisted of “spago” in Italy means “string” in English. Here are some spaghetti menu : Neapolitan, Meat sauce, Carbonara, Vongole, Peperoncino, Italian spaghetti, Cuttlefish Sumi spaghetti. Are there any spaghettis that you have ever eaten those in Italy or in Japan or Italian restaurant?
I like to eat spaghetti at restaurant which name is Italian Tomato with my friends which is placed Shimotori. It has a lot of spaghetti, also they offer sweets, cakes, salad, tea and so on. They start cooking those when customers ordered. It takes about 10 minutes to cook, but when it comes out it is very good condition to eat. It is not too hot or too cold. The prices are good, not expensive and not cheap, it is really reasonable. There are various kinds of food, so I recommend you this restaurant. They are really nice to us of course. Here is the picture of Italian Tomato restaurant. It looks really nice, and it is easy to go into that restaurant. You don’t have to order and eat what you ordered there. You can take out a piece of cakes or whole cakes. But always when I go there at lunch time, there are so many people who want to eat spaghetti, sweets or cakes, and brink a cup of tea or more than that. What most people do is not just having lunch there. They prefer to talk with their friends there while having lunch or eating something or drinking something.
I can cook spaghetti which I called “Wafu spaghetti”. The stuff are Bunashimeji (kind of mushroom), onion, bacon. And at the end when I finished cooking, I put nori (seaweed laver) and umedoshi on it. It tastes really good.



Journal B

My close friend from high school, Riho, is a very memorable person.  She is really good at dancing. She used to go to dance club for about a few years. Why she decided to go to dance club is that she wanted to dance like her favorite Japanese singer and dancer group EXILE, and wanted to remember how to dance completely that group's dance. She is really good at remembering. The way how to remember that group's dance is just watch DVDs again and again she told me before. That is how she remembered EXILE's dances. When we were in a high school, we used to dance together. She taught me how to dance, and she was really enjoyed teaching how to dance. I think, she has a strong “light brain”. Because she is really good at remembering. For example, she remembers many kinds of EXILE’s dances, of cause. Then she is really, really good at remembering people’s names. It has passed about a month since we entered Kumamoto Gakuen University. She has almost remembered names of our classmates not including boys. Compared with me, she is a very memorable person. That is why she has a lot of friends around her I think.
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Journal A

 I'm going to tell you about many ways I try to guess the personality and abilities of person I don't know very well. There are three points when I try to guess someone who I don’t know well. First of all, I try to guess someone by the shape of people’s faces. People with round faces are gentle person to other people, and usually stay calm and really kind to other people. It is easy for me to talk to them because they seem like kind and they don’t mind being spoken to by someone. If I compare him or her to the vegetable, he or she is a potato. I’m kidding. People with rectangle faces don’t show their feelings outside. They will not show to us what they think about or what they want to do. They are good at getting along with other people though. Although people with rectangle faces are careful when they speak to someone, and choose the words carefully. That means they look up to other people and people’s opinions. Second, I try to guess someone by the sound of their voices. If they have low voice, I guess they are shy and not talkative, but they are really careful when they talk to someone what to say to them. They should make their face look up because when they speak, they usually look at the floor, not look at opposite eyes. If they have high voice, I guess they prefer to talk to other people and want to enjoy talking with friends. They usually look at opposite eyes. Third, I try to guess someone by their clothes. When they prefer to wear bright color clothes, I guess they are active people. Then wearing those clothes makes them positive and happy whenever they feel negative or unhappy. You know, dark color clothes look cool, but it makes their feeling bad or something not good. These are the points when I try to guess someone who I don’t know well.
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Good morning. It's rainy today,and that makes me unhappy.
Yesterday I stayed up late so I wanna go back home and take a nap right now lol.