90 words
Last weekend
This weekend on Saturday, Julie came to my new house. She is Mr. Waterman's wife and she was also my English teacher when I was a high school student. We met at Mr. Donuts and I led her to my new house. She was surprised how big it is and she liked my new house because she loves wooden things. She was also surprised that there were two restrooms in my house. One is for men, the other is for women. Then we went upstairs and we talked and talked.
last weekend
LAst Saturday I had to attend an very important instrodaction about kyoushoku. I forgot to attend it because I forgot about it!! It starts from 11 to 12:30 but when I remember that it was almost 12. It was too late. I grabbed my gentuki's key and drove as fast as possible, but when I got to school it was ended. I was so disappointed about myself. I asked my friends how it was and they told me that there will be held again because there are so many students who was absent. I was grad. Then on Sunday, I went to yuukuikann tonneru with my
211 words
BR6-01(13) : Mercury and the Woodcutter
....There is nothing I hate more than dishonesty.This is a story about: One day, a woodcutter decided to rest by a riverbank. He put his axe on the ground and it slipped into the river. Lucky for the woodcutter, the river god Mercury wasn't far away and he was also honest, he got three axes including his own axe. Then he told his friend, he was also a woodcutter, what had happened. Then his friend went to the river and then he did same thing to slip his axe into the river on purpose. Finally, he was dishonest and he lost his axe.
I had read this story in English before I read this book in English. I like the part in which after river got, Mercury found the woodcutter's axe.
The woodcutter: Thank you! Thank you!
Mercury: Thank you, too! You have been very honest. Because of your honesty, I am going to give you the golden and silver axes as well.
The woodcutter: This is wonderful. Thank you!
They thanked each other and they were happy. To be honest is more important I think. And I think, every God know that a person is honest or dishonest. So we shouldn't tell lie which hurt someone.
[ new words]

ax : おの、まさかり
wooden : 木製の、木、無表情な
handle : 扱う、処理する
firewood : まき、たきぎ
riverbank : 川岸
backward : うしろに、逆に
sob : しゃくりあげながら泣く、むせび泣く
honestry : 正直、誠実
bank : 岸、土手、銀行
angrilly : 怒って、腹を立てて
dishonesty : 不正直
honesty : 正直な
dishonest : 不正直な
honest : 正直な
338 words/6745 words
BR5-02(12) : Everything Is Changing
....He says the bad times are coming to an end, and things will get better soon ....

I was so impressed by his thoughts. He is really good boy. He knew that it was so important for his to take a job because he found he could help his family with the money he made. Finally, his father also got a job and he was smiling again. Here is the happiness. It is not the problem how much you are poor, how much you can gain. You can be happy with smiling. Just keep smiling. That's all, I think. I learned it from this book. Keep smiling and things will get better and better all the time. People sometimes get in trouble. When they are in trouble, they forget to smile. They struggle to manage that . problem, I think. I also like that. When I'm in trouble, I take many time to think about it. But always I can do nothing alone. Always there is some helps like friends advice. And they make me smile because I don't smile at all. And then things will get better. So when you are in trouble, don't forget to smile.
[ new words]
brick : レンガ、積み木
shed : 小屋
343 words
BR5-01(11) : Danger in the Snow
....When the polar bear came out of the water, her cubs were gone. she ran back over the ice, and looked for them.This is a story about the polar bear protected her two cubs from the wolves. When she came out of the water, she found her two cubs were in danger because six wolves were running towards them. She was clever and she could get rid of the wolves.

Now they are also in danger because of global warming, I think. What can we do about this problem. It is big deal indeed. Global warming is not the polar bear's fault, it is our, human beings, fault. We can't get back to the past, so all we can do is just forward to the future. We should do something for this problem, global warming, before it is too late.
[ new words]
polar bear : ホッキョクグマ、シロクマ
cub : (キツネ、トラ、クマなどの)子
grab : つかむ、ひったくる、捕まえる
nip : つねる、はさむ、はさみとる
332 words
BR4-02(10) : Narnia
Later, Lucy shared her discovery. At first no one believed Lucy's story about Narnia.This is a story about the Pevensie family found out Narnia which is the secret inside the wardrobe. Here are heroes and heroines. Peter, the oldest, always tried to protect his family and keep them together and he knew that protecting his family was his job. Susan was worried about her family and she was worried that in Narnia too. She was a fierce protector of Narnia and its creatures. At first she thought it would be safer to go home but as time went by, she grew to love Narnia. Edmund didn't believe about Lucy's story at first, visited Narnia teasing her sister Lucy then he found out Lucy's story was true. He had a way of finding trouble whenever he went. Lucy, the youngest in the Pevensie family, found Narnia. She was the first Pevensie to find out Narnia. She loved to read and have adventures also she liked to make new friends.
I had watched this movie before I read

[ new words]
wardrobe : 衣装たんす、洋服たんす
hide-and-seek : かくれんぼう
play hide-and-seek : かくれんぼうをする
otherwise: ほかの、べつの、違っている
creature : 生き物、動物、奇怪な生き物
discovery : 発見、きづくこと、発見されたもの・人
beyond : ~の向こう、かなた、~より遠くに
enchant : 魅惑、魅了する、うっとりさせる、魔法をかける
Turkish : トルコ風の、トルコの
delight : 大喜び、楽しみ、うれしさ、喜びを与えるもの
spell : 呪文、まじない、魔力
under a spell : 呪文で縛られて、まじないをかけられて
fierce : どう猛な、荒々しい、強烈な、激しい
protector : 保護者、擁護者
responsibility : 責任、責務、義務
bravery : 勇敢さ、勇敢な行動
magnificent : 実に印象的な、壮大な、とても美しい
gentle : 優しい、思いやりのある、柔和な、穏やかな
valiant : 勇敢な、雄々しい
eventually : 結局は、最終的には
612 words
Typing week 5 : food / eating habit
I like eating but I have so
many foods in which I hate or dislike. I don't like shitake mushrooms because it
tastes not so good and it is slimy. If it slices I can eat though. I
don't like bitter foods like ginnan, basil. I like chickens the best any other
meats. When it is in a caldron, it tastes very good and it is soft. I like rice
than bread because when I eat hot rice it tastes so good and I want to have
tukemono on it. Also I like hot rice balls more than cold ones. I think
everything will be delicious when it is hot or warm in good temperature. Not
too hot, not to cold. I sometimes use chopsticks with left hand because I usually use left brain when I use chopsticks with right hand and right brain doesn't work well.
147 words
My Golden Week
I and my boyfriend went to Osaka to meet his friend. He invited us to stay his house so we did't need to pay for rent to hotel. On May 3rd, we went to Mitui Green Land with friend. This was my first time to go to amusement park with friends. I can't ride roll costers so I just walked around and I just watched my friend riding any amusement things. At there, we watched fireworks. I t was really beautiful and there were some heart fireworks. Then on May 4th, we went to Osaka by airplane and got
99 words
BR4-01(9) : Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet
"I love my bubby," Annie told Henry. ... "She's soft and dry and doesn't fly." ...
This is a story about Henry wants to find the perfect pet for his cousin Annie who are quiet and careful. Annie needs a pet that is soft and dry and does not fly --- one that is quiet and careful, just like Annie. Annie loved Mudge. She loved his soft eyes and his warm nose and his big paws. She wished she had a dog. But her father was at work eery day so no one would be home to take care of a dog. Henry had a dog and he remembered how much fun it was to get a new pet so he felt sorry for Annie. Henry and Mudge and Henry's mother and father took Annei to the pet store to get a new pet for Annie. They were looking at a pet which is soft and dry and does not fly. At the pet store, only the bunnies in the corner were being quiet. Then Annei picked up a white baby bunny and she named it Snowball because she had a little cottontail which Mudge didn't have.
I like the part in which Snowball, Annei's new pet, went flying through the air and landed on Mudge's back. They had a ne pet that is soft and dry and does NOT FLY but Snowball does FLY. She did fly to Mudge's back and HEnry and Annei laughed. That scene also made me laugh.

[ new words]
mice : mouseの複数
crab : カニ
giggled : くすくす笑う、しのび笑いをする
bark : 吠える、ほえるような声をだす
meow : にゃあとなく
squeak : ネズミがちゅうちゅうなく
cottontail : ふわふわしたしっぽ
sniff : クンクン匂いをかぐ、ふんと鼻をならす
hutch : うさぎなどの小屋、ハッチ
381 words
BR3-03(8) : Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers
And for ID, they always carried some real crackers in their pockets. Did Mudge ever love THAT!This is a story about Henry's new spy kit and his faithful sidekick Mudge. Henry is ready to look for clues, steal secrets and flirt with danger. One of the first things Henry and Mudge find is a coded message. It said "Who are you?" For a week Henry left secret message by the trash can. And then he found another boy spy who had same spy kit and dog wearing a spy hat.

[ new words]
piggy bank : 貯金箱
magnifying : 虫眼鏡、拡大レンズ
flirt : 気軽にやってみる
puddle : 水たまり
suspicious : 疑い深い、怪しい、不審な
sneak : こそこそ入る、こっそり近づく
bush : 小やぶ、茂み、低い木
zip : 勢いよく進む
nasty : いやな、不快な
drooly : よだれを垂らす、よだれがでる
pat : 軽くたたく、軽くなでる
snore : いびきをかく
chew : 噛む、噛み砕く、噛みつく
350 words/4493 words
BR3-02(7) : A Girl Named Helen Keller
"It was as if I had come back to life after being dead"This story is about Helen Keller who is blind and deaf. She was born at 1880, then she became ill when she was not yet 2 years old. The doctor thought that she might not alive but she lived. After her illness, she was deaf and blind. Her parents felt sorry for her so they tried to find someone who help Helen. Then on March 3, 1887, the teacher who name is Anne Sullivan arrived Helen's house. She never ever gave up teaching Helen about anything. At first, Helen didn't listen to her and there were terrible fights. But little by little, they became close and Helen did listen to Miss Sullivan. When they walked in the garden, Miss Sullivan taught Helen the word "water". She used a water pump then taught Helen that is water. Helen understood and wanted to know she name of everything. She lived 1880-1968. She graduated from Radcliffe College with honors. She and Anne Sullivan stayed together almost 50 years until Anne Sullivan died. Helen worked to help people who were blind or deaf.
I know this story because I have ever read this book in Japanese before. It was really sad beginning this story but little by little Helen understood what Miss Sullivan taught her. I love the part that when Helen understood what Miss Sullivan was going to teach her. It is not east to learn something without words, sounds. We learn something from hearing. Even though we can't listen to, we can contact with people using sign language. I had used sign language with someone who were deaf. I didn't remember well how to use sign language so it was hard to talking with the person using sign language. But I could tell her my name then we talked a little bit. Even if I can't use sign language, we can talk with drawing. There are many way to talk to people, for example we can talk with our own body language, sign language, drawing, gesture and anything. If only we don't give up doing something, everything can become true. This book tell about that "Don't give up."

servant : 召使い、家来
deaf : 耳の不自由な、耳の聞こえない
blind : 目の不自由な、目の見えない
bright : 明るい、晴れやかな
comb : くし、くしでとく
lap : ひざ
firm : かたい
pump: ポンプ
pour : 注ぐ、流す
burst : 破裂する、張り裂ける
466 words
Typing Week 4 : Golden Week Plans
This Golden Week, on May 3, I'm going to go to Mitui Green Land with my boyfriend and his friend. This is my first time to go there with my boyfriend. I would go there with my family before but I was little girl so I don't remember very well. Actually, I can't ride a roller coaster because I don't like feelings when I ride it. I'm going to go to Amusement park with my boyfriend and his friend this time but I won't ride any vehicle like roller coasters. On May 5, I'm going to go to Osaka to meet my boyfriend's friend who lives in Osaka. He let us to stay at his apartment so we don't need to make a reservation for a hotel. We are going to go to aquarium and then walk around Osaka. We will stay there for 3 days and 2 nights. We are going to go to Yoshimoto to watch manzai because I like watching Yoshimoto. I'm really looking for Golden Week!!
171 words
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