"It was as if I had come back to life after being dead"This story is about Helen Keller who is blind and deaf. She was born at 1880, then she became ill when she was not yet 2 years old. The doctor thought that she might not alive but she lived. After her illness, she was deaf and blind. Her parents felt sorry for her so they tried to find someone who help Helen. Then on March 3, 1887, the teacher who name is Anne Sullivan arrived Helen's house. She never ever gave up teaching Helen about anything. At first, Helen didn't listen to her and there were terrible fights. But little by little, they became close and Helen did listen to Miss Sullivan. When they walked in the garden, Miss Sullivan taught Helen the word "water". She used a water pump then taught Helen that is water. Helen understood and wanted to know she name of everything. She lived 1880-1968. She graduated from Radcliffe College with honors. She and Anne Sullivan stayed together almost 50 years until Anne Sullivan died. Helen worked to help people who were blind or deaf.
I know this story because I have ever read this book in Japanese before. It was really sad beginning this story but little by little Helen understood what Miss Sullivan taught her. I love the part that when Helen understood what Miss Sullivan was going to teach her. It is not east to learn something without words, sounds. We learn something from hearing. Even though we can't listen to, we can contact with people using sign language. I had used sign language with someone who were deaf. I didn't remember well how to use sign language so it was hard to talking with the person using sign language. But I could tell her my name then we talked a little bit. Even if I can't use sign language, we can talk with drawing. There are many way to talk to people, for example we can talk with our own body language, sign language, drawing, gesture and anything. If only we don't give up doing something, everything can become true. This book tell about that "Don't give up."

servant : 召使い、家来
deaf : 耳の不自由な、耳の聞こえない
blind : 目の不自由な、目の見えない
bright : 明るい、晴れやかな
comb : くし、くしでとく
lap : ひざ
firm : かたい
pump: ポンプ
pour : 注ぐ、流す
burst : 破裂する、張り裂ける
466 words
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