
BR5-01(11) : Danger in the Snow

....When the polar bear came out of the water, her cubs were gone. she ran back over the ice, and looked for them.
     This is a story about the polar bear protected her two cubs from the wolves. When she came out of the water, she found her two cubs were in danger because six wolves were running towards them. She was clever and she could get rid of the wolves. 
      I didn't know in which how to get rid of the wolves when the polar bear in danger. The polar bear can swim well but is not good at running on the deep ice. It is hard for polar bears to run in the snow, but they are in safe when they are on the ice. In this story, the polar bear let the wolves fall down into the water. Polar bears are so good at swimming so they are not afraid of falling down into the water. It doesn't take the polar bears a long time to get out of the water. This is how polar bears get rid of the wolves when they are in danger on the snow. I never knew that. 
     Now they are also in danger because of global warming, I think. What can we do about this problem. It is big deal indeed.  Global warming is not the polar bear's fault, it is our, human beings, fault. We can't get back to the past, so all we can do is just forward to the future. We should do something for this problem, global warming, before it is too late.

[ new words]
polar bear : ホッキョクグマ、シロクマ
cub : (キツネ、トラ、クマなどの)子
grab : つかむ、ひったくる、捕まえる
nip : つねる、はさむ、はさみとる
332 words

1 件のコメント:

  1. This is a story about the polar bear protected her two cubs from the wolves. >>
    This is a story about a polar bear who protected her two cubs from the wolves.
