"I love my bubby," Annie told Henry. ... "She's soft and dry and doesn't fly." ...
This is a story about Henry wants to find the perfect pet for his cousin Annie who are quiet and careful. Annie needs a pet that is soft and dry and does not fly --- one that is quiet and careful, just like Annie. Annie loved Mudge. She loved his soft eyes and his warm nose and his big paws. She wished she had a dog. But her father was at work eery day so no one would be home to take care of a dog. Henry had a dog and he remembered how much fun it was to get a new pet so he felt sorry for Annie. Henry and Mudge and Henry's mother and father took Annei to the pet store to get a new pet for Annie. They were looking at a pet which is soft and dry and does not fly. At the pet store, only the bunnies in the corner were being quiet. Then Annei picked up a white baby bunny and she named it Snowball because she had a little cottontail which Mudge didn't have.
I like the part in which Snowball, Annei's new pet, went flying through the air and landed on Mudge's back. They had a ne pet that is soft and dry and does NOT FLY but Snowball does FLY. She did fly to Mudge's back and HEnry and Annei laughed. That scene also made me laugh.

[ new words]
mice : mouseの複数
crab : カニ
giggled : くすくす笑う、しのび笑いをする
bark : 吠える、ほえるような声をだす
meow : にゃあとなく
squeak : ネズミがちゅうちゅうなく
cottontail : ふわふわしたしっぽ
sniff : クンクン匂いをかぐ、ふんと鼻をならす
hutch : うさぎなどの小屋、ハッチ
381 words
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