Later, Lucy shared her discovery. At first no one believed Lucy's story about Narnia.This is a story about the Pevensie family found out Narnia which is the secret inside the wardrobe. Here are heroes and heroines. Peter, the oldest, always tried to protect his family and keep them together and he knew that protecting his family was his job. Susan was worried about her family and she was worried that in Narnia too. She was a fierce protector of Narnia and its creatures. At first she thought it would be safer to go home but as time went by, she grew to love Narnia. Edmund didn't believe about Lucy's story at first, visited Narnia teasing her sister Lucy then he found out Lucy's story was true. He had a way of finding trouble whenever he went. Lucy, the youngest in the Pevensie family, found Narnia. She was the first Pevensie to find out Narnia. She loved to read and have adventures also she liked to make new friends.
I had watched this movie before I read

[ new words]
wardrobe : 衣装たんす、洋服たんす
hide-and-seek : かくれんぼう
play hide-and-seek : かくれんぼうをする
otherwise: ほかの、べつの、違っている
creature : 生き物、動物、奇怪な生き物
discovery : 発見、きづくこと、発見されたもの・人
beyond : ~の向こう、かなた、~より遠くに
enchant : 魅惑、魅了する、うっとりさせる、魔法をかける
Turkish : トルコ風の、トルコの
delight : 大喜び、楽しみ、うれしさ、喜びを与えるもの
spell : 呪文、まじない、魔力
under a spell : 呪文で縛られて、まじないをかけられて
fierce : どう猛な、荒々しい、強烈な、激しい
protector : 保護者、擁護者
responsibility : 責任、責務、義務
bravery : 勇敢さ、勇敢な行動
magnificent : 実に印象的な、壮大な、とても美しい
gentle : 優しい、思いやりのある、柔和な、穏やかな
valiant : 勇敢な、雄々しい
eventually : 結局は、最終的には
612 words
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