
BR1-02(2) : Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind

“And at least you know where to find Mudge if you need him!” Henry’s father said

    This is a story about when the wild wind comes. In this book, Henry and Mudge face wind, thunder and lightning. Henry does not like thunderstorms, neither does Mudge. When a thunderstorm comes, Mudge do strange things. He whines, walks around the kitchen table about a hundred times, sits in the bathroom alone and puts his head between the couch cushions. And then, when a thunderstorm comes, Henry whistles a lot. He whistles “Jingle Bells”, “Happy Birthday” and “The Star-Spangled Banner” Henry whistles and whine like crazy because to make himself calm. Then a thunderstorm became much harder and wild blew much harder. Henry's father suggested to Henry that rescue Mudge. Henry crawled to the place where prisoner Mudge were. 
   I like the part that Henry rescued his best friend Mudge. He was crawling inch by inch cross the enemy line to rescue Mudge. It was just like game that Henry's father suggested but he felt really sure to rescue. They are really good friend and they know that they need each other.

[ new words ]
fur :
rippled : さざ波が立つ/さざ波
jumpy : びくびくする
whine : 泣き言をいう
whistle : くち笛をふく
lightning : 稲光/電撃的な/稲妻が走る
pow : ぽかっ、ぱーん
splat : ぴちゃっ
grumble : ぶつぶつ文句を言う,不平を述べる
wag : 尾を振る,動かす
prisoner : 囚人、囚われの身
scorpion : サソリ
inch by inch : 少しずつ、ゆっくりと
bravely : 勇敢にも
collar : 襟、首輪
frown : 眉をひそめる
grin : にっこりと笑う

348 words /1247 words

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