
BR2-01(3) : Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble

He called them Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Henry loved planets, too. 
   I like the part in which Mudge protected tiny little kittens from a new dog. The cat who lived next door to Henry and Mudge had a litter of kittens. Henry named five kittens Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn because he loved planets. Henry and Mudge wanted some kittens of their own so Henry named them and Mudge protected them from a new dog. When the new dog got closer to Henry's house, Mudge's ear s went up then Mudge barked and barked and barked. I think the new dog just wanted to see the five tiny little kittens in the box but for Mudge it seemed like he was going to eat them. Mudge lay down beside the box waited for Henry like he owned the five kittens.

[ new words ]
puddle : 水たまり
bark : 吠える
lick : なめる
paw : 足
sneeze : くしゃみ、くしゃみをする
collar : 襟、首輪
bend : かがむ
belly : 胃、おなか
petal : 花びら
Venus : 金星
Mars : 火星
Saturen : 土星

215 words/1462 words

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