
BR2-03(5) : Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All

....He never knew that crackers could come from the sky.

This story is about Henry's parents, his big dog Mudge and his friends celebrate Henry's birthday with bright balloons, potato-snack races and presents. Henry's birthday is the first day of May. Henry was really looking for having his birthday party at his house. He tried to wake Mudge up but Mudge didn't. Then Henry said to Mudge, "birthday cake" and "Ice cream." Mudge opened his one eye and the other eye. That is one of the parts which I like. I thought Mudge really likes something to eat. What's more, Mudge never knew that crackers could come from the sky. He really likes eating.  Having a birthday party for someone's at a house might be really happy and delightful. I like the way of birthday party in America because they celebrate someone's birthday at their house and have really nice time with lot of people who know a person who are celebrated. Even if how much they are tired after having birthday party, that could be a good memories of all ever.

[ new words]

snore : いびきをかく
sticky : 粘着性の、ねばねばの
fix : 修理する、固定する、決める、用意する
taffy : おべっか、タフィー

238 words / 2365 words

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