
BR2-02(4) : Henry and Mudge and Long Weekend

Mudge loved the basement. It had million of new smells. It had lots of places to hide. And some of his old dog toyss were down there. "Come on, Mudge!" Henry called. But Mudge was already on his way.

 The story of this book is Henry and Mudge build a glorious indoor castle with knights and kings. When the weather is not good and there is nothing to do outside, only Henry, Mudge and Henry’s father and mother can do is just stay at home. Mudge always know what to do if there is nothing interesting to eat, nothing interesting to smell, and nothing interesting to chew. He always goes to sleep. But there is one thing that wakes Mudge up is the basement. He loves basement because it has millions of new smells, lots of places to hide and some of his old dog toys are there. Henry’s mother suggested that make a castle. They downed in the basement, and they ran upstairs for a castle book, pencils, a stapler and a quick snack. Then they build a castle with those things except a quick snack. If there is nothing to do outside because of the heavy rain or the typhoon, what would you do? I would sleep all the time or do assignments or clean my room. But I wish I had basement at my home like foreign countries. If I had it, I would make places to play sports with friends so that no one could be boring of the weather.

[ new words]
muddy : 泥だらけの、濁った
yuck : おえっ(嫌悪、拒絶などを表す)
drool : よだれを垂らす、よだれがでる
grumble : ぶつぶつ文句を言う、不平を述べる
growl : うなる
flatten : 平らにする、ぺしゃんこにする
chew : 噛む
frown : まゆをひそめる
goodness : 善良さ、親切
turret : 小塔、タレット
drawbridge : はね橋、可動橋
buttress : 控え壁、バットレス
stapler : ホッチキス
fancy : 好み、空想、思いつき
admire : 感嘆する、感心する
thrill : ぞくぞくする感じ
lick : なめる

435 words/ 2127 words

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